Simple - Conky theme

My simple conky setup, basic design that looks better on dark wallpapers.

Simple - Conky theme

Author & License

Created by Anderson Prado (AndeOn)

Licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2


  1. Copy the folder "Simple" into the ~/.conky (Hidden folder on home directory)

Ubuntu and derivatives

Conky Manager is a graphical front-end for managing Conky config files. It provides options to start/stop, browse and edit Conky themes installed on the system.

If you are using Ubuntu or its derivatives (like Xubuntu, Linux Mint, etc) you can install it from the Launchpad PPA.

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install conky-manager



Conky Manager:


  • Optimized to work with wireless connection. The network setting may not suit for your environment. Run ifconfig to get the name of device that you are currenty using, then change wlan0 to it. If it's ethernet put # in front the line 159 "signal strength" to comment.

  • Conky 1.10.1 have issue with $pre_exec variable (I remove the auto detect "lsb_release" to fix). Check here: brndnmtthws/conky#62

  • own_window_type not work properly in some Desktop Environment, change it if necessary. Options: (normal, desktop, dock, panel or override)

  • If the font doesn't look great in your screen adjust the size in Font Monospace:size=