
A template I created to use for my homework in LaTeX

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

kernzerfall's LaTeX Theme for Homework

made-with-latex MIT License

Because I love LaTeX but I hate having to write the same things every time


\documentclass[a4paper]{scrartcl} % AFAIK my theme only supports `scrartcl`

% Include the theme (you only need the .sty file)
\usepackage[boilerplate, thm, customtitle]{kernzerfall_hw}

% These three are used for \maketitle, make sure to set them
\class{<class name>}
\group{<group name>}
\assignment{<assignment name>}
\team{<opt - team name>} % optional

% This is used for \makegrouproster, which is optional
% Set it if you want to automatically generate a group table
% If omitted, "working directory/group.csv" will be set as default

% Other options you may want to set

Setting the Group Roster

Use group.csv (default) or any .csv (set path using \usegroupcsv)file of the following form:

name, matrnr
Name1, ID1
Name2, ID2
Name3, ID3

Note: Do NOT touch the first line; the .sty expects to find these exact column names!


  • Automatic setting of hyperref options (using \maketitle)
  • Automatic population of a group roster table using a simple .csv file
  • \maketitle (first page header) style
  • Shorthand commands for:
    • ℕ, ℤ, ℝ, ℂ (\N, \Z, \R, \C)
    • 𝔄, 𝔅, ℑ, ℜ (\fA, \fB, \I, \RR)
    • Complexity/Computability stuff (Classes, States, etc.)
  • Print git info (hash+dirty) on the PDF (only LuaTeX!).


Option Description
boilerplate Boilerplate
thm Inject presets for theorem environments definition, lemma, satz, thm
complexity Macros for stuff like complexity classes, etc.
fpmarks Includes the \fpmarks command (see below)


Command Parameters Description
\githash none (Only LuaTeX!) Prints the short git commit hash.
\maketitle none Generates a header using the values of \class, \assignment and \group. Sets the following hyperref properties: pdftitle, pdfauthor, pdfsubject.
\makegrouproster none Generates a Group Roster Table using the values found in a .csv file.
\usegroupcsv path to csv Overrides the default path for the Group's .csv.
\tikzfosap none Injects a TikZ preset for drawing finite automata. (Sets arrows, backgrounds, spaces, etc.).
\codestyle none Injects an lstlistings style for code listings
\sothat none Inserts \,\,|\,\,. Useful for set declarations.
\ds 1 Inserts its argument in double spaces (\,\,~#1~\,\,)
\fpmarks none Adds DIN 5008 (Type A) punchhole/fold marks. Needs scrlayer-scrpage

Package Requirements

These are automatically included via \RequirePackage.

  • hyperref (with hidelinks)
  • csvsimple
  • bookmark
  • iftex


These are injected via \boilerplate


  1. Geometry
    • geometry (with a4paper, top=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm)
  2. Math symbols
    • amsmath
    • amssymb
    • amsthm
    • mathtools
    • microtype
    • stmaryrd
  3. Graphics
    • tikz
    • graphicx
    • pdfpages
  4. Fonts/Encoding
    • lmodern
    • luainputenc (with utf8)
    • inputenc (with utf8)
    • fontenc (with T1)
    • babel (with english, ngerman)
    • tgpagella (<- the template defaults to this font!)
  5. Misc
    • draftwatermark
    • xcolor
    • scrlayer-scrpage
    • cleveref
    • framed


 codegreen: rgb(0,      0.6,    0)
  codegray: rgb(0.5,    0.5,    0.5)
codepurple: rgb(0.58,   0,      0.82)
backcolour: rgb(0.95,   0.95,   0.92)
 fosapblue: RGB(0,      128,    255)
 fosappink: RGB(252,    163,    212)