kernzerfall's LaTeX Theme for Homework
Because I love LaTeX but I hate having to write the same things every time
\documentclass[a4paper]{scrartcl} % AFAIK my theme only supports `scrartcl`
% Include the theme (you only need the .sty file)
\usepackage[boilerplate, thm, customtitle]{kernzerfall_hw}
% These three are used for \maketitle, make sure to set them
\class{<class name>}
\group{<group name>}
\assignment{<assignment name>}
\team{<opt - team name>} % optional
% This is used for \makegrouproster, which is optional
% Set it if you want to automatically generate a group table
% If omitted, "working directory/group.csv" will be set as default
% Other options you may want to set
Setting the Group Roster
Use group.csv
(default) or any .csv
(set path using \usegroupcsv
)file of the following form:
name, matrnr
Name1, ID1
Name2, ID2
Name3, ID3
Note: Do NOT touch the first line; the .sty expects to find these exact column names!
- Automatic setting of
options (using\maketitle
) - Automatic population of a group roster table using a simple
file \maketitle
(first page header) style- Shorthand commands for:
- ℕ, ℤ, ℝ, ℂ (
) - 𝔄, 𝔅, ℑ, ℜ (
) - Complexity/Computability stuff (Classes, States, etc.)
- ℕ, ℤ, ℝ, ℂ (
- Print git info (hash+dirty) on the PDF (only LuaTeX!).
Option | Description |
boilerplate |
Boilerplate |
thm |
Inject presets for theorem environments definition , lemma , satz , thm |
complexity |
Macros for stuff like complexity classes, etc. |
fpmarks |
Includes the \fpmarks command (see below) |
Command | Parameters | Description |
\githash |
none | (Only LuaTeX!) Prints the short git commit hash. |
\maketitle |
none | Generates a header using the values of \class , \assignment and \group . Sets the following hyperref properties: pdftitle , pdfauthor , pdfsubject . |
\makegrouproster |
none | Generates a Group Roster Table using the values found in a .csv file. |
\usegroupcsv |
path to csv | Overrides the default path for the Group's .csv . |
\tikzfosap |
none | Injects a TikZ preset for drawing finite automata. (Sets arrows, backgrounds, spaces, etc.). |
\codestyle |
none | Injects an lstlistings style for code listings |
\sothat |
none | Inserts \,\,|\,\, . Useful for set declarations. |
\ds |
1 | Inserts its argument in double spaces (\,\,~#1~\,\, ) |
\fpmarks |
none | Adds DIN 5008 (Type A) punchhole/fold marks. Needs scrlayer-scrpage |
Package Requirements
These are automatically included via \RequirePackage
- hyperref (with
) - csvsimple
- bookmark
- iftex
These are injected via \boilerplate
- Geometry
- geometry (with
a4paper, top=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm
- geometry (with
- Math symbols
- amsmath
- amssymb
- amsthm
- mathtools
- microtype
- stmaryrd
- Graphics
- tikz
- graphicx
- pdfpages
- Fonts/Encoding
- lmodern
- luainputenc (with
) - inputenc (with
) - fontenc (with
) - babel (with
english, ngerman
) - tgpagella (<- the template defaults to this font!)
- Misc
- draftwatermark
- xcolor
- scrlayer-scrpage
- cleveref
- framed
codegreen: rgb(0, 0.6, 0)
codegray: rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
codepurple: rgb(0.58, 0, 0.82)
backcolour: rgb(0.95, 0.95, 0.92)
fosapblue: RGB(0, 128, 255)
fosappink: RGB(252, 163, 212)