
Codeforces-API-TS is a NodeJS Client Library for Codeforces API with Typescript support

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Codeforces-API-TS is a NodeJS Client Library for Codeforces API with Typescript support 💙

Source code in this repo is heavily inspired by ahmed-dinar/codeforces-api-node.


npm install codeforces-api-ts


import { CodeforcesAPI } from "codeforces-api-ts";

(async () => {
    API_KEY: "your-api-key",
    API_SECRET: "your-api-secret",

  // all methods return a promise
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("blogEntry.comments", { blogEntryId: 79 });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("blogEntry.view", { blogEntryId: 79 });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("contest.hacks", { contestId: 566 });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("contest.list", {});
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("contest.ratingChanges", { contestId: 566 });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("contest.standings", { contestId: 566 });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("contest.status", { contestId: 566 });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("problemset.problems", {});
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("problemset.recentStatus", { count: 10 });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("recentActions", { maxCount: 10 });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("user.blogEntries", { handle: "kerolloz" });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("user.friends", {}); // requires authorization
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("user.info", { handles: "kerolloz" });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("user.ratedList", {});
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("user.rating", { handle: "kerolloz" });
  await CodeforcesAPI.call("user.status", { handle: "kerolloz" });


The source code is well documented. I tried to make it as simple as possible and followed the same conventions as the official API. You can simply hover over the method name to see the description of the method and its parameters.

You can find function defentions and types in src/types.ts

Methods & Parameters

Full description of the API can be found on http://codeforces.com/apiHelp.

Method Parameters
blogEntry.comments *blogEntryId
blogEntry.view *blogEntryId
contest.hacks *contestId
contest.list gym
contest.ratingChanges *contestId
contest.standings *contestId, from, count, handles, room, showUnofficial
contest.status *contestId, handle, from, count
problemset.problems tags, problemsetName
problemset.recentStatus *count, problemsetName
recentActions *maxCount
user.blogEntries *handle
user.friends onlyOnline
user.info *handles
user.ratedList activeOnly, includeRetired, contestId
user.rating *handle
user.status *handle, from, count

*required parameters


The only method that requires authorization is user.friends. To authorize your requests you need to set your API_KEY and API_SECRET using the setCredentials method.

You can get your API key from http://codeforces.com/settings/api.

Return Data

Data is returned in JSON format. For full description of data format visit http://codeforces.com/apiHelp/objects.