
:art: A React component that injects SVG into the DOM.

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A React component that injects SVG into the DOM.


Let's say you have an SVG available at some URL, and you'd like to inject it into the DOM for various reasons. This module does the heavy lifting for you by delegating the process to SVGInjector, which makes an AJAX request for the SVG and then swaps in the SVG markup inline. The async loaded SVG is also cached, so multiple uses of an SVG only require a single server request.

Basic Usage

import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import ReactSVG from 'react-svg'

render(<ReactSVG src="svg.svg" />, document.getElementById('root'))

Live Examples



  • src - The SVG URL.
  • evalScripts - Optional Run any script blocks found in the SVG. One of 'always', 'once', or 'never'. Defaults to 'never'.
  • fallback - Optional Fallback to use if an injection error occurs. Can be a string, class component, or function component. Defaults to null.
  • loading - Optional Component to use during loading. Can be a string, class component, or function component. Defaults to null.
  • onInjected - Optional Function to call after the SVG is injected. If an injection error occurs, this function receives an Error object as the first parameter. Otherwise, the first parameter is null and the second parameter is the injected SVG DOM element. Defaults to () => {}.
  • renumerateIRIElements - Optional Boolean indicating if SVG IRI addressable elements should be renumerated. Defaults to true.
  • svgClassName - Optional Class name to be added to the injected SVG DOM element. Defaults to null.
  • svgStyle - Optional Inline styles to be added to the injected SVG DOM element. Defaults to {}.
  • wrapper - Optional Wrapper element types. One of 'div' or 'span'. Defaults to 'div'.

Other non-documented properties are applied to the outermost wrapper element.


  fallback={() => <span>Error!</span>}
  loading={() => <span>Loading</span>}
  onInjected={(error, svg) => {
    if (error) {
  svgStyle={{ width: 200 }}
  onClick={() => {
    console.log('wrapper onClick')


$ npm install react-svg

There are also UMD builds available via unpkg:

For the non-minified development version, make sure you have already included:

For the minified production version, make sure you have already included:


Thanks to the author(s) of the original SVGInjector, without which none of this would have been possible 👏
