
Creation of the PID's supported bytes ??

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Hi Philip,
I've been trying to reverse the OBDII PID supported bytes you send to Torque, but I'm having trouble making sense of them.
else if (!strcmp(btdata1, "0100")) {
sprintf_P(btdata2, PSTR("41 00 BE 3E B0 11\r\n>"));

I think BE 3E B0 11 are the bytes sent indicating to Torque which of the next 20h PID numbers are used (valid). I can't make sense of the bits though when converted to 32 bits (flags) compared to what's available from the Honda OBD (converted to OBDII numbering).
Is BE the high byte and 11 the Low ?
Did you create some sort of table to describe these bytes from HOBD to OBDII ?

kerpz commented

Hi Martin,

I used this as my reference and the 0100 is a hardcoded reply which is based from

Found my error that caused my not understanding. Started the first PID at 00h not 01h so I had an offset all the way along...

Also just see that the last bit of the four bytes is a flag to validate the next sequence 32 bits....

I think the code you wrote below is not needed as the next flag PID after 20h is at 40h, not 30h

else if (!strcmp(btdata1, "0130")) {
sprintf_P(btdata2, PSTR("41 30 20 00 00 01\r\n>"));

Excuse me if wrong :)

kerpz commented

Yes, its a dead code afaik :)