Collections of Arduino codes that reads and translates Honda OBD codes to ELM / OBD 2 PID codes. It also process and displays the output to a LCD or transmit the output to a bluetooth channel.
- AchinonPoznań, Poland
- AFactor2
- akilamarquiel
- akpotter
- amferreiraPortugal
- arquin18
- bmvbabBangalore
- citraline
- Daggers9
- danieldiasmQalisar Tech Research (owner and sole employee)
- DervMan
- dfmvieira
- dgsreal
- DiyvolAsgard-Studio
- dr0p
- fecodat
- foonarf
- jhcloos
- kerpzResearch and Development
- kingenri
- KrzywhoŁódź
- luisfccLos Angeles, CA
- mikewing94Grimsby
- mr-sneezyAdelaide SA
- ntamguc
- Seckywold
- Sobollion
- svobik81
- thlcWaays
- tlamvipSan Jose - California
- trigor74Ukraine
- yangosoft
- YuehChuanTaiwan
- yvyang