help with obd
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hi sir, i was wondering if this code will also work for a arduino nano clone. i tried to compile the file and upload it to the nano and wired an hc-06 bluetooth adapter. the code i used was the hobd_elm. i followed the schematic you provided and wired up the bluetooth module to the arduino nano. i wired the rx d11 and tx to d10, k line to d12. im not really sure if that is correct but it seem logical to me. i have downloaded the torque app but seemed to be a totally diffrent app(updated), based on your photo.
torque app won't connect to at all gets nothing
Maybe you can try the hobd_uni, and you need to pair your hc-06 to your phone. BTW, what's the error?
i have tried hobd_uni, also i have paired my hc06 to my phone. torque app says no data did you select the right device. seems to be like arduino is not sending anything. By the way i am using a jdm p30 ecu (obd1) i was wondering if i could just wire the arduino directly inside the ecu ? using cn2 port ? i have checked dlc pins and everyting seems to be connected properly. i am thinking maybe i compiled the sketch incorrectly ? i have not much experience with arduino i just bought one cause i saw this hub of yours.
is there anyway to test the arduino ?
thank you
I've tested on p2t odb2 and p30 obd1, try to test with elm terminal app.
I've tested on Nano with a P0A and a PCX OBDI ECU with no issues either...
If you are building on a protoboard then add indicator LED's with 1k resistors to the TX and RX to bluetooth module, and also to the ECU DLC pin from the Nano. This will tell you what the Arduino is doing easier.
Also the HC06 module needs to be set to use 9600 baud IIRC, and the activity LED should change from fast flash to slower double flash if the Android phone is connecting.
i have set the baud rate for the hc06 at 38400 could this be the issue, i set it this way, because chrome rtp requires this baud rate. il try to set it at 9600 see if it works. no its not on a proboard. i just soldered the wires directly to the arduino nano points as i don't have a proto board.
Well its working now. Only problem now is that rpm seems to be off. When i rev the engine the meter goes down to 0rpm?
And also the rpm is off. Im not sure about the other sensors like ect temp. And map
If you are using hobd_uni, the default proto is obd2, set it to obd1 since you are using p30 ecu. Btw are you using hc06 to tune your ecu? Chrome rtp?
How to set it to obd1? I haven't really started to tune my car. I haven't even had the time to install the afr wideband.
Also tps has no signal? (throttle)
I was planning to use the hc06 to data log. Althoug seems like the data stream seems to show some lag. Maybe il just use the ttl serial cable instead
I forgot currently i am using a stock jdm p30. But i also have a chipped p28 ecu that i will be using to tune the engine.
Ok everything is working now. I was womdering if there was some way to get tps to work?
All sensors are working fine with me.
Im not getting anu reading on throttle? And it shows a question mark. When i try to add a display
My bad everything is working. Thank you
Sir Philip is it possible to add pid for power steering switch? I have tried the other pid and it works. I have been meaning to test the brake switch that goes to the ecu and with i this confirmed it to be working. :-) also i have learned the characteristics of the eld. With the ALT PID this is a very nice diagnostic tool as well. Would be really great if it can also pull trouble codes from the ecu.
Yes, you can add it through Manage PIDS in torque's setting
Sir i dont really know anything about hex. How do you get the hex values?
Hi haven't decode the power steering switch :(
@tycs03 did you successfully managed to plug the arduino on the CN2 port of your ECU ? Is the CN2 port and the DLC port the same ?
hi guys. ever wonder of using wifi instead of a bluetooth?