An emulator for a hypothetical 16-bit computer from the 80s and 90s. Intended as a play-thing and educational tool.
- 7k8mYokohama
- alexiobWorld
- ashryanbeatsNylas
- avinashkanaujiya@Samsung
- benknobleCapitalOne
- bytewizzardSan Luis Obispo, CA
- danielpontelloPortugal
- deckarepLos Angeles, CA
- fogusCognitect / Nubank
- ghosttie
- guevara
- howerjUK
- jasonfagan
- JettMonstersGoBoom@MonstersGoBoom
- kingconsInvestNext
- lpereiraUnemployed
- M4rc3lvNederland
- meadows19
- niciyanTokyo, Japan
- npongratzMadison, WI
- ogurek-ozobot
- pklaschka@fliegwerk @server-state @wuespace, formerly @Adobe
- raffSan Francisco
- reedlawAureum Medium LLC
- ReneKriest
- richardkiss
- Rynaro@electionbuddy
- setepo
- surugu
- the-code-innovatorTiruchirappalli
- tjpalmer
- tluyben
- vishwasm26
- willbrUK
- WillGreen
- zenodante