Hi 👋, I'm Kirill

A passionate full-stack developer from Russia,Moscow


  • 🌱 I’m currently learning TypeScript

  • 💬 Ask me about React, Redux, Javascript, Express, Node.js, PostgreSQL

  • 📫 How to reach me https://t.me/keruhajs

  • âš¡ Fun fact I like black tea with no sugar

My stack:

babel bootstrap css3 express git html5 javascript jest linux nodejs postgresql react redux webpack

  • FrontEnd: JS, React, Hooks API, Redux (Saga, Thunk, Toolkit), HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap
  • BackEnd: Node.js, Express, Sessions/Tokens
  • DataBase: PostgreSQL, Sequelize ORM
  • Other: Jest, Webpack, Babel,Git


