Code for my TDD workshop at the PHP UK Conference 2023
Together we will implement a Stack (Last In, Last Out) to the Collection Interface.
Individually or in pairs implement a Queue (First In, First Out) to the Collection Interface
Implement a class that will generate a driving licence number for a LicenceApplicant. An applicant must be 17 or older to request a Licence number. The generate function should throw an InvalidDriverException.
A driving licence number must be 15 characters long. It should be made up of the following pieces of information
[applicate initial][applicant DOB (Format:DDMMYYYY)][RandomNumbers]
- John Smith Smithson, Born 14/04/2000 would have a driving licence number of
- John Smithson, Born 14/04/2000 would have a driving licence number of
Implement a function that converts Arabic Number to Roman Numerals
The function should be able to convert any number between 1 and 4000 to a Roman Numeral