
Rewrite of CPPredicateEditor and CPRuleEditor Cappuccino classes

Primary LanguageObjective-J


Built and tested with Cappuccino v0.9.6-RC1


sudo jake install
then symlink the library in your project



  • SPRuleEditorModel is a tree-like collection of rows exposing both a flat index collection API and a tree like collection API (because of cocoa API design). It posts notification whenever a row is added, removed or modified.

  • SPRuleEditorView is a tree of SPRuleEditorRowView. It listens to SPRuleEditorModel notifications and update the UI consequently. It also delegates user actions execution (add, remove, drop) to SPRuleEditor.

  • SPRuleEditor exposes a cocoa like API (NSRuleEditor). Its the controller, it creates SPRuleEditorModel and SPRuleEditorView, responds to SPRuleEditorView delegations by calling SPRuleEditorModel and ask its own delegate for how to create a row (ie criteria, see NSRuleEditor docs)

  • SPPredicateEditor (which extends SPRuleEditor) has been rewritten in order to take advantage of the new SPRuleEditor design.

  • SPPredicateEditorRowTemplate has been kept almost unchanged

What's missing (compared to cocoa)

  • KVO on SPRuleEditor : not much used I think, but should be easy to do listening to the new SPRuleEditorModel notifications

  • row selection (highlighting) : though 2 methods are still present in cocoa API, this feature has been abandoned by Apple. They say in their forums that it was "confusing" for their users. I agree :)

  • view animations