Undergraduate Graduation Design Project

Primary LanguagePython

Undergraduate Graduation Design Project - AGCN

  • Multi-task Algorithm for item recommendation task(IR) and attribute inference task(AI)

  • Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks(AGCN)

  • AGCN raw github: https://github.com/yimutianyang/AGCN


pip install torch==1.8.0+cu102 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install -r requirements.txt


每个任务执行时都会分配一个唯一ID,如 20210420215755 程序运行过程中,结果会保存到 temp文件夹,程序正常结束时,结果会从temp文件夹移动到output文件夹,因此output文件夹中总会保存成功执行的结果.

Task description Target
AGCN AGCN model for item recommendation and attribute inference item recommendation and attribute inference
BPRMF BPRMF model for item recommendation item recommendation
FM FM model for item recommendation item recommendation
NGCF NGCF model for item recommendation item recommendation
LP Label Propagation for attribute inference attribute inference
Semi-GCN Semi-GCN model for attribute inference attribute inference


Item Recommendation Task

python -u main.py --task IR-Train  --dataset_name movielens1M
python -u main.py --task IR-Test  --dataset_name movielens1M --train_id 20210420215755

Attribute Inference Task

python -u main.py --task AI --dataset_name movielens1M


python -u main.py --task BPRMF --dataset_name movielens1M

3. FM

python -u main.py --task FM --dataset_name movielens1M


python -u main.py --task NGCF --dataset_name movielens1M

4. LP

python -u main.py --task LP --dataset_name movielens1M

5. Semi-GCN

python -u main.py --task Semi-GCN --dataset_name movielens1M

Parameters Settings

/src/conf/datasets/文件夹下保存了不同数据集的配置文件。 以amazonVideoGames为例

name: amazonVideoGames
user_count: 31027
item_count: 33899

# attribute info
  have: false
  have: true
  attr_type_num: 3
  attr_dim_list: [ 14, 52, 10 ]
  attr_type_list: [ 1, 1, 0 ] # 0 means single-label attribute and 1 means multi-label attributes

  epoch_num: 300 # epoch times
  free_emb_dim: 32 # free embedding dim
  learning_rate: 0.0005 # learning rate
  batch_size: 5120
  gamma1: 1
  gamma2: 0.001
  lambda1: 0.001
  lambda2: 0.001
  attr_union_dim: 32
  gcn_layer: 3
  neg_item_num: 5

  epoch_num: 300 # epoch times
  iter_num: 10 # iter times
  free_emb_dim: 32 # free embedding dim
  learning_rate: 0.0005 # learning rate
  batch_size: 5120
  gamma1: 1
  gamma2: 0.001
  lambda1: 0.001
  lambda2: 0.001
  attr_union_dim: 32
  gcn_layer: 3
  neg_item_num: 5

  free_emb_dim: 32 # free embedding dim
  gamma: 0.001
  lambda1: 0.001
  lambda2: 0.001
  attr_union_dim: 32
  gcn_layer: 3
  test_topks: [ 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 ]

# baselines for attribute inference
  epoch_num: 50
  loss_threshold: 0.01
  select_count: 1000
  knn: 20

  epoch_num: 50
  gcn_layer: 3
  attr_union_dim: 32
  layer_dim_list: [32, 32, 32, 32]
  learning_rate: 0.05

# baselines for item recommendation
  epoch_num: 100 # epoch times
  emb_size: 32 # free embedding dim
  learning_rate: 0.0005 # learning rate
  batch_size: 2048
  gcn_layer_num: 3
  layers: [ 32, 32, 32, 32]
  decay: 0.0001
  node_dropout: 0.1
  mess_dropout: [ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ]
  neg_item_num: 5
  test_topks: [ 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 ]
  stop_epoch: 40

  epoch_num: 250 # epoch times
  learning_rate: 0.0005 # learning rate
  free_emb_dim: 32
  batch_size: 2048
  decay: 0.0001
  test_topks: [ 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 ]
  neg_item_num: 5
  stop_epoch: 40

  epoch_num: 300 # epoch times
  free_emb_dim: 32 # free embedding dim
  learning_rate: 0.0005 # learning rate
  batch_size: 5120
  lambda1: 0.001
  lambda2: 0.001
  attr_union_dim: 32 # attr_dim
  neg_item_num: 5
  test_topks: [ 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 ]
  stop_epoch: 25

Data format

​ Take movilens1Mdataset for example.

  • $U$: user set

  • $V$: item set

  • $uid$: user_id

  • $iid$: item_id

# attribute info
  have: false
  have: true
  attr_type_num: 3
  attr_dim_list: [ 14, 52, 10 ]
  attr_type_list: [ 1, 1, 0 ]


filename format type description
total_U2I.npy {uid: [iid, iid], ...} dict<list> total feedbacks
train_U2I.npy {uid: [iid, iid], ...} dict<list> train feedbacks
val_U2I.npy {uid: [iid, iid], ...} dict<list> val feedbacks
test_U2I.npy {uid: [iid, iid], ...} dict<list> test feedbacks
complete_user_attr.npy ------ np.ndarray complete user attributes matrix
missing_user_attr.npy ------ np.ndarray missing user attributes matrix
existing_user_attr_index.npy ------ ------ store user attribute infomation
complete_item_attr.npy |U| * sum(item_attr_dim_list) np.ndarray complete item attributes matrix
missing_item_attr.npy |U| * sum(item_attr_dim_list) np.ndarray missing item attributes matrix
existing_item_attr_index.npy {'attr_dim_list': attr_dim_list, 'existing_index_list':[list1, list2, list3]} dict store item attribute infomation
user_attr_LP.npy ------ np.ndarray inferred LP user attribute result for FM model
item_attr_LP.npy ------ np.ndarray inferred LP item attribute result for FM model