To install Empyrial, you should do:
pip install empyrial
from empyrial import empyrial, Engine
portfolio = Engine(
start_date= "2020-06-09",
portfolio= ["BABA", "RELIANCE.NS", "KO", "^DJI","^IXIC"],
weights = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
benchmark = ["SPY"]
Create another cell in your program and run that:
!wget -nc
from colab_pdf import colab_pdf
Create another cell in your program and run:
pip install nbconvert
Go to Files > Download as > HTML or PDF via LaTeX
(For Visual Studio Code: Click on the "export as" icon in the upper right corner)
If you get an error downloading it as a PDF, download it as a HTML file.
Now open that your_notebook_name.html file (click on it). It will be opened in a new tab of your browser.
Now go to print option (right-click on the page). From here you can save this file in pdf file format.