#Realestate Management System - Codeigniter

Realestate Management System Built on CodeIgniter 2.x Framework

#Features : Front End with Vehicles Added from Back-end with details Back-end login system for admins, employees Different Controlling for Admin and Employee New Employee Adding for doing Sales , Adding new house

Admin Features : # Add, Edit , Delete almost anything(Including new users), Sell houses, See customer Details
Employee Features : # Add houses only and Sell them to new clients with their details
Others : Used CodeIgniter Active record for DB query, Basic Parser use of codeigniter, 
uses cool template for backend with a lot 	 of effects, form validation with codeigniter Database is included in the folder.
Uses Datatables with sorting , filtering , and date to date range for getting result
Do change the database config to run on your server / localhost

Template has been used for back-end and front end More customization coming in future Added Web.config file setting in-case you want to host this on Azure account

See the software working live :

Admin User : admin@admin.com Password : admin

Employee User : employee@employee.com Password : employee

By-Sultana Rajia.