This is a collection of several data scrapers for popular websites made as part of the Computational Media Lab at UT Austin
Description of each scraper and how it works is documented in the respective folders.
The scrapers (essentially this repository) are hosted on an Oracle Cloud instance (ubuntu@ which can be accessed via SSH. To access the instance from a new device, these steps need to be followed:
- From the terminal of the new device run this:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
This will create an SSH pair for the device (private key: id_rsa, public key: Note the directory where these files are stored
- From the noted directory above, run:
$ cat
This will display the key value something like this: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC......... (a long value) Copy this value
- For someone/device who/that already has access to the instance: Login to the instance and run:
ubuntu@smscraper:~$ cd .ssh
ubuntu@smscraper:~/.ssh$ echo "<paste the copied public key from step 2 here>" >> authorized_keys
- To check that the new key has been added to the instance:
ubuntu@smscraper:~/.ssh$ cat authorized_keys
- Now the new device can access the instance (recommended: use VSCode with Remote SSH extension)
Use PuTTy to convert the file to .ppk file format
Install WinSCP and use the server with username 'ubuntu', SFTP, port 22. Use the .ppk file for authentication on: Advanced > SSH > Authentication > .ppk file
Then all the data can be viewed on /mnt/smdata/ and the instance can be accessed from /home/ubuntu/