
A comprehensive solution designed to streamline the operations of Medical Center.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Description

Comprehensive solution designed to streamline the operations of medical centers. It simplify medical center operations by modernizing management systems, digitizing record-keeping, enhancing user experiences for medical staff and professionals, and improving patient care and management.

Table of Contents


  • Inventory Management: Automated tracking for stock levels, expirations, and purchase.

  • Patient History Access: Access to patient records with enhanced security and privacy controls.

  • Prescription Management: Tracking of prescriptions integrated with patient records and inventory.

  • Analytics Dashboard: Real-time data visualization for various statistics of the data.

Technologies Used

  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Node.js
  • Prisma ORM
  • JsonWebToken (JWT)
  • Material Tailwind and Material UI

System Requirements and Setup

Operating System

  • Windows 11: The project is developed and tested on Windows 11.

Software Requirements

While developing the project, the following softwares were used:


  • Google Chrome: Version 124.0.6367.158 (64-bit). The application has been tested on this browser version for compatibility and performance. Download Chrome

Additional Software

  • Visual Studio Code (recommended): As an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for code editing, debugging, and running tasks. VS Code is optimized for JavaScript and React development. Download VS Code

Environment Setup

NOTE: Before running the application, ensure the environment variables are correctly initialized



  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <REPO_URL> Mediease
  1. Navigate to the project directory (Mediease):
cd Mediease
  1. Go to server and Install dependencies for the server:
npm install
  1. Set up environment variables (a .env file is needed for this expressJS server, instructions provided in Configuration).

  2. Start the server (using Nodemon):

npm run dev
  1. Go to the client directory:
cd client
  1. Install dependencies for the client:
npm install
  1. Start the client:
npm run dev
  1. Go to the following URL:




  • Create a .env file in the server directory of the project with the content mentioned in the .env.example file:
  • Fill the environment variables values
# Database URL

# JWT secret key

# Email Credentials (for sending OTP)

# SMTP host 

# Frontend/Client URL


  • Create a .env file in the client directory of the project with the content mentioned in the .env.example file:
  • Fill the environment variables values
# Backend/Server URL

IMP NOTE: The USER_EMAIL should be allowed to send email (App passwords should be allowed in the coresspoding google account setting, as Google has changed some setting regarding the App password)


  • React.js - for component-based architecture.
  • Vite - for fast development and hot module replacement.
  • Material-Tailwind - for styled components and responsive design.
  • React Router - for navigation management.
  • Apexcharts - for data visualization in form of various charts.
  • Sonner - for elegant notifications of any action


  • Node.js and Express.js for robust API services.
  • JWT for secure authentication and authorization.
  • Prisma ORM for streamlined PostgreSQL interactions.
  • Joi for input data validation and sanitation.
  • Nodemailer for sending emails to users for various actions.


  • PostgreSQL is used as a primary database for this project along with Prisma as an ORM.
  • Neon is used currently for the database services.

Screen shots

  • image

  • image