
Tools to create and expose a database of purls (Package URLs). This project is sponsored by NLnet project https://nlnet.nl/project/vulnerabilitydatabase/ and nexB for https://www.aboutcode.org/ Chat is at https://gitter.im/aboutcode-org/discuss

Primary LanguageHTML

The purldb

This repo consists of four main tools:

  • PackageDB that is the reference model (based on ScanCode toolkit) that contains package data with purl (Package URLs) being a first class citizen.
  • MineCode that contains utilities to mine package repositories
  • MatchCode that contains utilities to index package metadata and resources for matching
  • ClearCode that contains utilities to mine Clearlydefined for package data

These are designed to be used first for reference such that one can query for packages by purl and validate purl existence.

In the future, the collected packages will be used as reference for dependency resolution, as a reference knowledge base for all package data, as a reference for vulnerable range resolution and more.



Once the prerequisites have been installed, set up PurlDB with the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/nexb/purldb
cd purldb
make dev
make envfile
make postgres

Once PurlDB and the database has been set up, run tests to ensure functionality:

make test


Start the PurlDB server by running:

make run

To start visiting upstream package repositories for package metadata:

make run_visit

To populate the PackageDB using visited package metadata:

make run_map

Populating Package Resource Data

The Resources of Packages can be collected using the scan queue. By default, a scan request will be created for each mapped Package.

The following environment variables will have to be set for the scan queue commands to work:


matchcode-toolkit will also have to be installed in the same environment as ScanCode.io. If running ScanCode.io in a virtual environment from a git checkout, you can install matchcode-toolkit in editable mode:

pip install -e <Path to purldb/matchcode-toolkit>

Otherwise, you can create a wheel from matchcode-toolkit and install it in the ScanCode.io virutal environment or modify the ScanCode.io Dockerfile to install the matchcode-toolkit wheel.

To build the matchcode-toolkit wheel:

# From the matchcode-toolkit directory
python setup.py bdist_wheel

The wheel matchcode_toolkit-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl will be created in the matchcode-toolkit/dist/ directory.

The scan queue is run using two commands:

make request_scans

request_scans will send a Package scan request to a configured ScanCode.io instance. ScanCode.io will download, extract, and scan the files of the requested Package.

make process_scans

process_scans will poll ScanCode.io for the status of the Package scans requested by request_scans. When a Package scan on ScanCode.io is ready, process_scans will use that data to create Resources and populate the MatchCode directory fingerprint indices.

Package Resource data can also be gathered by running ClearCode, where Package scan data from clearlydefined is collected and its results are used to create Packages and Resources.

make clearsync

After some ClearlyDefined harvests and definitions have been obtained, run clearindex to create Packages and Resources from the harvests and definitions.

make clearindex

The Package and Package Resource information will be used to create the matching indices.

Once the PackageDB has been populated, run the following command to create the matching indices from the collected Package data:

make index_packages

API Endpoints

  • api/packages
    • Contains all of the Packages stored in the PackageDB
  • api/resources
    • Contains all of the Resources stored in the PackageDB
  • api/cditems
    • Contains the visited ClearlyDefined harvests or definitions
  • api/approximate_directory_content_index
    • Contains the directory content fingerprints for Packages with Resources
    • Used to check if a directory and the files under it is from a known Package using the SHA1 values of the files
  • api/approximate_directory_structure_index
    • Contains the directory structure fingerprints for Packages with Resources
    • Used to check if a directory and the files under it is from a known Package using the name of the files
  • api/exact_file_index
    • Contains the SHA1 values of Package Resources
    • Used to check the SHA1 values of files from a scan to see what Packages also has that file
  • api/exact_package_archive_index
    • Contains the SHA1 values of Package archives
    • Used to check the SHA1 values of archives from a scan to determine if they are known Packages


Copyright (c) nexB Inc. and others. All rights reserved.

purldb is a trademark of nexB Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-SA-4.0

purldb software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.

purldb data is licensed collectively under CC-BY-SA-4.0.

See https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 for the license text.

See https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode for the license text.

See https://github.com/nexB/purldb for support or download.

See https://aboutcode.org for more information about nexB OSS projects.