
Frozen :(

frank392a opened this issue · 6 comments

It was working perfectly until yesterday. today I try to use it and it is frozen cant select any of the tabs or ad a link it is dead :( ok I try unistallg it and same result. btw Im using MX linux (no system D) .
Im getting this error :
$ flatpak run com.ktechpit.ultimate-media-downloader
Gtk-Message: 17:50:01.564: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
Previous instance of UMD4 seem to have crashed,trying to clean up before starting new one!

I know what the problem is, this software reads the list of all the downloads that you have made from the download folder that is stupid and pointless if you have many files like my case (over 3000 ) it takes a huge time and the software is unusable (frozen) . Now that I have moved all the files to a separate location everything is back to normal .

Thanks for opening this issue. I will provide a fix soon.

This is fixed in version 4.4
run snap refresh ultimate-media-downloader to force update the package if it was not automatically updated.

Right now i have limited the folder listing to load 100 recently downloaded items. There is a open in file manager button which can be used to quickly open the directory in system file manager in case user require to checkout older files. I will consider adding efficient way landing huge collection in near future.