
RoboBite Crypto Security We were inspired by how in recent times, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic began, many individuals and organizations have suffered financially due to the fluctuating and volatile stock market.

What it does

RoboBite was made to help ensure that the investments of investors are protected based on user's decisions in the event of a sudden fluctuation or their assets. RoboBite also serves to decrease the amount of time spent by the common investor hounding over the price of their assets and also expand their value by being quick to buy and sell as soon as one's crypto investment reaches a certain value.

How we built it

Challenges we ran into

We desired to link the API of the Crypto Currency market into the back end of our code so that we could use and manipulate live, real data, however we found this to be too challenging for our current skill level in coding.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud to create a useful, secure product that has immediate demand, which the common investor will be greatly benefitted by. The implications of RoboBite are far reaching and can revolutionize livelihoods.

What we learned

We learned how difficult and complex it truly is to create an innovative product that can have a real life impact in helping people. The Coding approach to design solutions can be complex and always requires more depth in order to excel.

What's next for RoboBite Crypto Security

The next goal is to create a highly developed app for RoboBite which has API data for real cryptocurrencies and higher functionality: i.e ranges set, forecast on values, analysis of past activity.