Midterm project: CryptoZombies DApp

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Project Description

This is a wrap up of what we learned form CryptoZombies. We have created a DApp that allows users to create their own zombies. The DApp is deployed to Ganache and can be accessed at http://localhost:7545.

Project Setup


  1. Clone the repository

  2. Install the dependencies using npm install

  3. Install ganache and add this project to workspace using truffle-config.js file in the root directory

  4. Compile the contracts using truffle compile

  5. Migrate the contracts using truffle migrate

  6. Copy ZombieOwnership Deployed contract address and paste it in at src/constants.js

  7. Install Metamask and connect to Ganache network using Ganache Network Details

     Network Name: Ganache
     New RPC URL: http://localhost:7545 
     Chain ID: 1337 
     Symbol: ETH
  8. Copy private key of any account from Ganache except 1st one, and add new account in Metamask using private key

  9. Run npm run start to start the front-end server (this will start the front-end server on port 3000 by default and opens the browser)

  10. Connect Metamask to the front-end server by clicking on the Metamask icon in the browser

  11. You can now create your own zombies and level them up

  12. You can also change the name and DNA of your zombies

Improvements to the CryptoZombies DApp

  1. Migrated front-end code to use ReactJS
  2. HTML and JS code is moved to ReactJS components
  3. Designed a modern UI to show multiple zombie cards
  4. Allow users to create their zombies with custom names
  5. Level up Zombie using a single button in Zombie Card
  6. Zombies card are dynamically changed based on current user account
  7. Change Name of Zombie ( must be Zombie level at least 2)
  8. Change DNA of Zombie ( must be Zombie Level at least 20)
  9. Added Autogenerated Images based on the name and ID of the zombie (used https://robohash.org/)
  10. Conditional CSS based on the zombie's level
  11. Each User can create upto 6 zombies
  12. Used Latest Metamask Web3 API to connect to Ganache
  13. Used CryptoKitties API to show Kitties
  14. Can copy address of kitty owner into clipboard
  15. Pagination for Crypto kitties
  16. Custom Script to fetch new and updated ABI from build folder to be used in front-end