index.js is the main entry point of the server-side application. It sets up the Express server, configures middleware, and defines the routes for the application
The frontend repository is at the link where How to run it on local machine is explained very well

cockraochDB prisma are used
Use git clone <url> to clone this repository
Use npm i command to install the dependencies
Along with this you will be required a connection string to connect to the database, and store it in .env file (create a new file with this name)
To get the connection string write an email on

There are three tables mainly user payment and batch, data redundancy is been taken careof

/CreateUser and /LoginUser routes are handling the registration and login
/enrollUser route is handling the batch enrollment of the user after login
/checkPayment route is handling the function of checking in the database if this user has already paid for the batch in this month /userStatus route is handling the query of checking the batch history of the user

Age Calculation
During the registration Date of Birth is being stored for every user and at the time of enrollment to a batch, age is being verified

Checking the database tables
After running this server on backend, check the database tables in console, by running the function usertable() for users table
similarly import the functions from './tables/class' and ./tables/payment and run them