30 Days of JavaScript

This repository contains 30 projects implemented using HTML,CSS,Bootstrap, Javascript (Vanilla) and ranges from intermediate diffuclty to hard.

The projects Implemented are :

1. Javascript Drum kit
2. Javascript and CSS clock
3. Dynamic CSS with JS
4. Array function Practice
5. Flex Panels
6. City Finder
7. Array function Practice 2
8. Canvas Practice
9. Canvas Practice
10. Check-list
11. Custom Video Player
12. Key Sequence Detection
13. Sliding images
14. Javascript references
15. LocalStorage
16. Mouse Move shadow
17. Sorting without article
18. Adding up times
19. WebCam fiddling
20. Speech Detection
22. Follow along links
23. Speech Synthesis
24. Sticky Navbar
25. Event Capture,bubbling,propagation and once
26. Follow along nav
27. Click and Drag
28. Video Speed Controller