
ArduiPi Adafruit SSD1306 OLED Driver for Raspberry Pi and ArduiPi Board

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ArduiPi SSD1306 OLED Library Driver

This library has been replaced with this new one that support new 1.3" SF1106 OLED also

New dedicated post on my blog

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This is the port of the Adafruit_SSD1306 Arduino OLED driver to the Raspberry Pi

This has been ported to work with the ArduiPi Project. ArduiPi project is a shield for Raspberry Pi that brings Arduino low level extented I/O to Raspberry Pi.

This project is currently in progress and you can find all information about this shield and project here http://hallard.me/arduipi


Everything is now documented on my blog http://hallard.me/adafruit-ssd1306-oled-display-driver-for-raspberry-pi/