Spring 5 Functional Web Framework Sample

This repository contains a sample application that uses the functional web framework introduced in Spring 5. It mainly consists of the following types:

Class Description
Person POJO representing a person
PersonRepository Reactive repository for Person
DummyPersonRepository Dummy implementation of PersonRepository
PersonHandler Web handler that exposes a PersonRepository
PersonRouter Provides a functional RouterFunction
PersonController A reactive RestController
Server Contains a main method to start the server

Spring Context - or not

In the main method in Server there are four ways to start the application:

  1. ControllerConfiguration: Spring Context + request processing with PersonController
  2. RoutingConfiguration: Spring Context + request processing with RouterFunction
  3. 'functionalBeanRegistration`: Same as first one, but with new programmatic way to register beans
  4. standalone: get HttpHandler directly from RouterFunction, no Spring Context

Additionally you can choose with what server to start, see the next two points.

Running the Reactor Netty server

  • Build using maven
  • Run the org.springframework.samples.web.reactive.function.Server class

Running the Tomcat server

  • Comment out the startReactorServer() line in Server.java
  • Uncomment the startTomcatServer() line in Server.java
  • Build using maven
  • Run the org.springframework.samples.web.reactive.function.Server class

Sample curl commands

Instead of using a Rest-Client of your choice, here are some sample curl commands that access resources exposed by this sample:

curl -v 'http://localhost:8080/person'
curl -v 'http://localhost:8080/person/1'
curl -d '{"name":"Jack Doe","age":"16"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -v 'http://localhost:8080/person'


This project was forked from https://github.com/poutsma/webflux-functional-demo by Arjen Poutsma. The original project is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.