
Dockerized OpenSatKit based on OpenSatKit/OpenSatKit

Primary LanguageDockerfileOtherNOASSERTION

OpenSatKit Packed In a Docker Container

0. Introduction

  • This repository is for building docker image containing OpenSatKit(OSK) and minicom inside.
  • Image is based on Ubuntu 18.04 due to dependency issues related to build of QT4 apps.
  • Use of container will help resolving dependency matters caused by Ubuntu distro versions.

1. Building a Container

  • You need following prequisites for building this project:
    • AMD64 Linux PC with docker installed (Including WSL2).
    • Basic knowledges about Linux settings and shell commands.
  • Build process is not necessary for using a docker container.
    • You can download prebuilt image from the docker hub.

  • In Order to build a OSK docker image, do following:
    • First, clone this repository.
    • Then, move to directory to cloned repo. and run following command:
      • Tag of an image can be changed based on your need.
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --no-cache \
--build-arg BASEIMAGE=ubuntu \
--build-arg BASETAG=18.04 \
--build-arg OSK_VERSION=v2.5 \
-t kestr3l/opensatkit:18.04-v2.5-original \
-f Dockerfile .
  • List of arguments used in the build are as following:
    • Currently, only OSK_VERSION is changeable.
    • Change it based on your need. Check list of tags of OSK.
BASEIMAGE Name of docker base image to be used ubuntu X
BASETAG Tag of docker base image to be used 18.04 X
OSK_VERSION Version of OSK to be installed inside a container v2.5 O

2. Running a Container

  • Since the docker image uses GUI, you need to run xhost + before creating a container.
  • There are two ways of running a container: docker run and docker-compose.

2.1 docker run command

  • Use following command for running a container.
    • Add bash at the end if you don't want to autostart COSMOS.
    • Since it has --rm, container will be deleted on exit.
docker run -it --rm \
   -e QT_NO_MITSHM=1 \
   -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
   --device /dev/ttyUSB0 \
   --net host \
   --ipc host \
   --gpus all \
   --privileged \
   --name OpenSatKit \

2.2 docker-compose command

  • You must have docker-compose installed on your system.
  • To run a container with docker-compose, following values of the host must be known:
    • Three environment variables.
    • One serial device name connected to the host.
DISPLAY Display connected to the host's X server(X11) :0 echo $DISPLAY
WAYLAND_DISPLAY Display connected to the host's Wayland server
(Only for Desktop Environments using Wayland)
wayland-0 echo $WAYLAND_DISPLAY
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR Directory for user-specific, non-essential runtime files /run/user/1000/ echo $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
ttyUSB* Name of a serial device connected by USB ttyUSB0 dmesg | grep tty
  • You must check values of your system and should modify is based on your environment.
  • You can also refer to comments written in docker-compose.yml.

2.3 Running a minicom

  • After running a container, use following commmand to use minicom:
    • Name of conatiner may vary baed on modifications you made on the container name
docker exec -it OpenSatKit minicom -s
  • minicom configuration will appear on a terminal.
  • Modify Serial port setup. There are two values you should check:
    • Serial Device: Name of serial device mapped to the container
    • Hardware Flow Control: Must be off, otherwise, keyboard input won't work
  • After the setup, choose Exit and serial data will start to be shown.

3. License

  • COSMOS is a product of Ball Corportation and it is distributed under AGPLv3 license.
  • Assets of COSMOS included in OSK and following parts of Dockerfile is derived from BallAerospace/COSMOS.
    • APT dependencies on requirements.txt
      • Removed libgstreamer0.10-dev and libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev due to deprecation on Ubuntu 18.04
    • Installation of Ruby 2.5.8 using rbenv/rbenv
      • Modification of rbenv and ruby-build repository's name to clone

4. Applications

  • For developing your own CFS app or modified 42 simulator, use docker volume mapping.
  • Mapped volume will be persistent even after killing a container.

5. List of Tags

  • Available tags of images distributed by docker hub are as following:
    • Naming rule: <UBUNTU VERSION> - <OpenSatKit VERSION> - <VARIANT>
18.04-v2.5-mod Version including modified 42 simulator and COSMOS.
(For internal testing purpose)
18.04-v2.5-original Version including OpenSatKit as it is.
(For external users for development)

6. References

  1. OpenSatKit/OpenSatKit - github.com
  2. BallAerosapce/COSMOS - github.com
  3. Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu - docker docs
  4. Install the Compose standalone - docker docs
  5. XDG Base Directory Specification - freedesktop.org