
C++ plugin framework

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


Microplugins is a C++ plugin framework for easy creating and using plugins.

  • It supports services for plugins and communications between plugins kernel and other plugins.
  • It uses a header-only design and makes it easy to integrate with existing projects.
  • It takes care for unloading unused plugins automatically by given time.


  • Compiler with support C++17 standart (including experimental filesystem)
  • Cmake >= 2.6 (for build examples)
  • Doxygen (for build documentation)

This framework was tested on GNU/Linux with GCC-7.3.0


It is not supporting loading and using plugins compiled

by different compiler and/or linked with different libstdc++



$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DMAX_PLUGINS_ARGS=12 ../ && make


$ make install

Or just copy folder include/microplugins into your project


This library is distributed under the terms of the Boost Software License - Version 1.0


Creating plugin:

#include <microplugins/iplugins.hpp>

static std::any sum2(std::any a1, std::any a2) {
  return std::any_cast<int>(a1) + std::any_cast<int>(a2);

class plugin1 : public micro::iplugin<> {

  plugin1(int v, const std::string& nm):micro::iplugin<>(v, nm) {
    subscribe<2>("sum2", sum2);


static std::shared_ptr<plugin1> instance = nullptr;

std::shared_ptr<micro::iplugin<>> import_plugin() {
  return instance ? instance : (instance = std::make_shared<plugin1>(micro::make_version(1,0), "plugin1"));

Creating service:

#include <microplugins/plugins.hpp>

static std::any service(std::any a1) {
  std::shared_ptr<micro::plugins<>> k = std::any_cast<std::shared_ptr<micro::plugins<>>>(a1);

  std::shared_ptr<micro::iplugin<>> plugin1 = k->get_plugin("plugin1");

  if (plugin1 && plugin1->has<2>("sum2")) {
    std::shared_future<std::any> result = plugin1->run<2>("sum2", 125, 175);
    std::cout << std::any_cast<int>(result.get()) << std::endl;

  k->stop(); // stop if we don't need service mode
  return 0;

int main() {
  std::shared_ptr<micro::plugins<>> k = micro::plugins<>::get();
  k->subscribe<1>("service", service);


  while (k->is_run()) micro::sleep<micro::milliseconds>(250);

  return k->error();

You can see example of plugin, and example of service