Recipe reader

The Recipe reader web app lets users manage all of their recipes in one place and provides voice assistance to make cooking faster and more enjoyable.

recipe reader

Technologies used

Typescript, React, Redux Toolkit, Node, Express, Mongo DB, Mongoose, Passport.js, Alan AI.

User Stories

  • Users have to be authenticated to use the web app.
  • Users can choose to get authenticated with email and password or using social auth with Google or Facebook.
  • Users can reset their password.
  • Users can add, update, read and delete recipes.
  • Users can filter recipes by categories.
  • Users can search for recipes by their title.
  • Users can use voice assistance to navigate around the map.
  • Users can use voice assistance to get the list of ingredients or instructions of a particular recipe read to them.

Potential Features

  • More voice assistance features.