
HA rabbitMQ server for Celery on single Machine

Primary LanguagePython

##THis is a sample Django project which uses rabbitMQ as a queueing service along with Celery

First make a virtual environment And then:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then first exit the virtual environment:

In file set_ser.py change hostname of each rabbitMQ node to ur computer's username [like mine was ANIKET]

Then: 1st. Install Soldier

sudo pip install soldier

And then:

sudo python set_ser.py     

Above command will set up a cluster of rabbitMQ nodes and also mirror queues in the cluster

Afterwards install HAproxy on the system using:

sudo apt-get install haproxy

make a copy of original haproxy.cfg using

sudo cp /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg.orignal

For just in case things don't work as they should

Then copy the haproxy.cfg file in this repo to /etc/haproxy/

Then open the port which shall be used by load balancer to accept requests:

$ firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5500/tcp
$ firewall-cmd --reload

Thats it and launch two terminals with virtual env in both:

TO launch celery-worker:

$ celery -A SR_proj worker -l info

To launch tasks:

$ python manage.py shell
>>>  from helloapp.tasks  import *
>>>  x=add.delay(44,55)
>>>  x.get()	##To fetch results

TO TEST HA From 3rd terminal launch

$ sudo rabbitmqctl -n rb1 stop_app