Bit Manipulation

  • I use it to find the middle element of an array, given left and right most index
  1. middle = left + right >> 1;
  2. Test kth bit is set: num & (1 << k) != 0
  3. Set kth bit: num |= (1 << k);
  4. Turn off kth bit: num &= ~(1 << k)
  5. Toggle the kth bit: num ^= (1 << k)
  6. To check if a number is a power of 2, num & num - 1 == 0
  • When to use it, how to know it will help ?
2 >> 1 = 1
5 >> 1 = 2


  • Sort intervals based on the start time.
    • Meeting rooms
    • Meeting rooms which uses Priority Queue [[1, 2], [4, 7]]
boolean overlap(int[] a, int[]b){
	return a[0]<b[1] &&  b[0]<a[1];
int[] mergeInterval(int[] a , int[] b){
	return new int[]{Math.min(a[0], b[0]), Math.max(a[1], b[1])};

Strings and arrays:

  • Cannot sort in subsequence subarray problems
for(int i = arr.length-1; i > -1; --i){
	some temp var init
	for(int j = i + 1; j < arr.length ; j++){
		do something with prev seen elements
		cache the result
	store the result in a cache

// Above is O(n2) way of solving subsequence problem, substring problems

  • Memorize the code for deletion of element in an array
  • Memorize the code for shift elements in an array
placesToShift = 0 ; int index = 0; 
while(index < n){
		arr[index - placesToShift] = arr[index];
n = n - placesToShift;
  • If the solution takes n^2, try to sort the array (not possible in case of subsequence and subarray problems)
  • 256 length array to calculate the frequency
  • If need is to deal with individual digit in an number use this.
narray = (1234 + "").toCharArray() \\ ['1','2','3','4']
  • Looking for dup/unique : try hashing/Bit Manipulation, (also consider that you can use the array itself for hashing)

sliding window is a very important problem - it applies to many substrings and subarray problems.

  • HashSet as the window
  • Running pre/suffix sum and product TODO: code template for Sliding window
  • Dutch flag problem: implace moving of elements, elements values needs to be known

A rather straight forward solution is a two-pass algorithm using counting sort. First, iterate the array counting number of 0's, 1's, and 2's, then overwrite array with total number of 0's, then 1's and followed by 2's.

  • Generate array from arraylist
new ArrayList().toArray(new Integer[0]);
note: cannot convert to primitive types
so cannot do this new ArrayList().toArray(new int[0]); ERROR
  • To initialize an array Arrays.fill(arr, -1);

String patterns & string calculations

  • To get the asci value for using 26 int frequency array
'b' - 'a' = 1 returns int value
'b' - 1 = 97 still returns the int value
(char)('b' - 1) = 'a' need to explicitly type cast into character
A bit advanced topics in strings:

alt text

  • Things about traversing from right to left.

Kadane's algorithm: TODO


  • Making adjency list quickly.
List<Integer>[] getAdjacencyList(int n, int[][] prereqs) {
	List<Integer>[] list = new ArrayList[n];
	for (int[] prereq : prereqs){
	    if(list[prereq[0]] == null){
		list[prereq[0]]  = new ArrayList<>();
	return list;

Depth First Search: Depth wise

DFS has an issue when the Depth of tree is very large, for python 1000

Time complexity: for adjacency List O(V+E) Space complexity: ??

  • Many problems using DFS
    Few problems which seems DFS but arent, be aware of that trick, if order of print matters then its not DFS, its most probably Topological sort
int [][] Directions = new int[][]{
	{0, -1}, \\ Left 
	{0, 1}, \\ Right 
	{-1, 0}, \\ Up 
	{1, 0}, \\ Down
DFS(Node node, HashSet<Node> visited){
		return // you have detected cycle
	// do something with DFS, print it (?? ) search it
	for(Node neighnors : node){
		DFS(neignors, visited);
	// if ans not found, the mark the node un-visited also, 
	// so it can be reached via another path 

Topological sort:

private boolean topologicalSort(int course, List<Integer> result) {
        if (done[course])
            return true;
        if (visited[course])
            return false; // cycle found
        visited[course] = true;
        if (adjacency_list[course] != null) {
            for (int prereqCourse : adjacency_list[course]) {
                if (!topologicalSort((prereqCourse, result))){
                    return false; 
        visited[course] = false;
        done[course] = true;
        return true;

Breadth First Search: Level wise

Leads to the shortest path in the graph Time complexity: for adjacency List O(V+E) Space complexity: ?? Not very interesting problems on BFS

Queue<something> queue = new LinkedList();
// BFS can be done using queue without recursion
	currentNode = queue.poll();
	// do something with currentNode, print search 
	// add the next nodes in the queue
	for(node neighbor: currentNode){
  • Multi-source BFS Add all the sources to the initial queue.


  1. Inorder
  2. Preorder
  3. PostOrder
  • Checking of two trees are similar / two subtrees are similar needs two functions, one which check equality and other which traverses the subtree.


  • To find max element use min-heap (want to preserve max element at the bottom)
  • To find min element use max-heap (want to preserve min element at the bottom)


  • Tree problems are designed tot think recursively.


Handling time strings

// convert everything to minutes, was the trick 23:59 is how many minutes ?
String str = "23:59";
String[] split = str.split(":", 2);
int hour = Integer.parseInt(split[0]) * 60;
int min =  Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
return hour + min;

Classic problems

  1. Dutch flag problem
int p0 = 0; // all elements to the left of this are 0 
int p2 = nums.length - 1; // all elements to the right of this are 2
for(int idx = p0; idx <= p2; idx++){
	if(nums[idx] == 0 ){
		swap(nums, p0, idx);
	if(nums[idx] == 2){
		swap(nums, p2, idx);
  1. Best time to buy and sell stocks:
for(currentPrice : prices){
	if(minPrice > currentPrice){
		minPrice = currentPrice;
		if(maxProfit < currentPrice - minPrice){
			maxProfit = currentPrice - minPrice;
return maxProfit;

Once you get into coding questions, communication is the key. A candidate who needed some help along the way but communicated clearly can be even better than a candidate who breezed through the question.

  1. Understand what kind of problem it is.
  2. Think out loud
  3. Slow the eff down
  4. Get unstuck
    • Draw pictures
    • Solve a simpler version of the problem
    • Write a naive, inefficient solution and optimize it later
  5. Wait for a hint
  6. Think about the bounds on space and runtime
  7. Apply a common algorithmic pattern
  8. Get your thoughts down
  9. Call a helper function and keep moving