
Chrome extension to detect triggers in Youtube audio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HackOn 2.0

Trigger - Warner

Link of YT Video :

Team Details:

Team Name : TriggerWarner
Team Members:
1. Imran Khan
2. Matthew Larson
3. Abhay Dharia

What social problem are you working on?

Mental Health and Awareness

Brief Description of your idea:

  Our project is a browser extension for Google Chrome that allows a user
  to see what sensitive topics (e.g. triggers) are contained or mentioned
  in the audio of a Youtube video, before watching it.

Technologies we had used in making the project.

The ytdl javascript library
The symbl.ai NLP API
Google Chrome's extension API

The problem it solves

  Right now, trigger warnings for sensitive topics online
  are not always used. A person may encounter their triggers
  while not emotionally ready, and their mental health would
  be made worse by this experience.
  Our project allows a person to have more information available
  about what sensitive topics a Youtube videos contains, and make
  informed decisions about when and how to engage with these videos. 


  Inspiration for this project came from the way that many websites
  incorporate a tag system that allows users to filter and
  make choices about the content they consume. Youtube
  does not have a similar feature, and so this project
  fill in that gap.

Some of the Trigger Words it will Trace

   nine eleven, ableism, abuse, alcoholism, amputation, animal abuse, bestiality, blood, bodies, body horror, bones, bullying, cannibalism, car accident, child abuse, childbirth, classism, death, dying, decapitation, domestic abuse, drug use, eating disorder, anorexia, binge eating, bulimia, fatphobia, forced captivity, sex, guns, holocaust, homophobia, hospitalisation, hostages, hunting, insects, incest, kidnapping, medical procedures, murder, nazi, needles, overdose, pedophilia, pregnancy, prostitution, ptsd, racism, rape, self harm, serious injury, sexism, sexual abuse, skeletons, slavery, slurs, smoking, snakes, spiders, suicide, terminal illness, terrorism, torture, misgendering, transphobia, violence, vomit, warfare, weapons