Windows CMD to find the highest numbered directory
This is not my work. Full credit goes to Berend.
I'm sure there's a better way, but this seems to work. For positive values anyway.
@echo off SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
pushd whatever
set h=0
for /d %%d in (.) do (
set /a x=!h!-%%~nd
if "!x:~0,1!"=="-" set h=%%d
echo Highest value is !h! First we move in the whatever folder.
Then we use for /d to loop over all subdirectories, and subtract the 'value' of the foldername (%%~nd, where %%d is the full pathname, and ~n extracts just the name) from the current highest (!h!).
If the result x is smaller than 0 (starts with -) it means we found a higher value and we overwrite !h!.
Finally we pop back into the folder where we started.