
A modern router for hyperapp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hyperapp Router

npm (scoped)

Warning This is a beta release, and the API will be completely unstable. Expect any change to be breaking until a proper API is ironed out.


npm install --save @mrbarrysoftware/hyperapp-router
# or
yarn add @mrbarrysoftware/hyperapp-router


import { app, h, text } from 'hyperapp';
import withRouter, { effects } from '@mrbarrysoftware/hyperapp-router';

const GoToHref = (state, { href }) => [
  effects.Navigate({ href }), // where href is a string, like `/route/path/here`

  router: {
    // Optional base url for the app.
    // Use this if your app runs from anywhere that
    // isn't at the root of the server.
    // Defaults to '/'
    baseUrl: '/foo',

    // Optional action ran every push/pop state
    // Useful when you just need navigation to
    // set something in state
    RouteAction: (state, { params, path }) => ({

    // Optional boolean
    // Prevents the router from capturing every
    // click on an anchor and attempting to route
    // it. Removing this means you will need to
    // add custom actions and effects to allow
    // navigation with the router.
    // If not set, the default is false, and that's
    // probably what you want.
    disableAnchorCapture: false,
    routes: {
      '/': {
        // Optional Action to run when entering this route
        OnEnter: (state, params) => ({

        // Optional Action to run when leaving this route
        OnLeave: (state, params) => ({

  init: {},

  view: state => {
    return h('div', null, text('Your app here...'));

  node: document.querySelector('#app'),