
uElement reactive JSX

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Reactive frontend library.

Version Badge size Badge size

yarn: yarn add uele

npm: npm i uele

cdn: https://unpkg.com/uele

module: https://unpkg.com/uele?module

  • Tiny Badge size
  • Simple API
  • Fast
  • JSX
  • Fragment
  • Components
  • SVG
  • Refs
  • Style Maps
  • Lazy Components
  • Promise
  • AscynIterable
  • Rxjs Subscribe
  • Reactive Subscribe
  • Control Flow Components - If, For, Show
  • Extend with any reactive library - effect, memo, is, get
  • Map - For efficient diffing


let frag = (
		{rxSubject} or {asyncIterable} or {promise} or {any html node or component}


Load a component lazily with a optional fallback

const LazyComp = lazy(() => import("./SomeComp"), <div>Failed</div>);


Efficient diffing for array of items

import { map } from 'uele';

let items = o([1,2,3]);

const Items = () => {
  return map(items, (item,i) => <div>{item} {i}</div>, <div>No items</div>)


import { h, Fragment, lazy, api, If, For, map } from "uele";
import { o, effect, memo } from "ulive";

// ulive settings
api.effect = effect;
api.memo = memo;
api.is = (v) => v.$o;
api.get = (v) => v();

// Check below for other reactive library settings

const LazyComp = lazy(() => import("./lazy"));

// Async Component
const TodoItem = async ({ id }) => {
  let api = await fetch(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/${id}`);
  let todo = await api.json();

  return (
      <input type="checkbox" checked={todo.completed} />

const count = o(0);
const inc = () => count(count() + 1);
const dec = () => count(count() - 1);

const Counter = () => {
  let square = memo(() => count() * count());
  let cube = memo(() => square() * count());
  effect(() => console.log(count(), square(), cube()));
  return (
        Count: {count} {square} {cube}
      <button onclick={inc}>+</button>
      <button onclick={dec}>-</button>

// AsyncIterator

const asyncIterable = {
  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
    return {
      i: 0,
      next() {
        if (this.i < 200)
          return new Promise((ok) =>
              () =>
                  value: <div>{this.i++}</div>,
                  done: false,
        return new Promise((ok) => ok({ done: true }));

let items = o([1,2,3])

const App = () => (
    <Counter />
    <LazyComp />
    <TodoItem />
    {map(items, (item, i) => <div>{item} {i}</div>)}

document.body.append(<App />);

Control Flow

Condition can be boolean or reactive values

<If when={cond} fallback = {<div>False</div>}>

<Show when={cond} fallback = {<div>False</div>}>

<For each={[1,2,3]} fallback = {<div>No Items</div>}>
{(val) => <div>{val}</div>}

Other settings

// preact/signals-core or usignal settings
api.effect = effect;
api.memo = computed;
api.is = (v) => v instanceof Signal; // or preact signals
api.get = (v) => v?.value;

// oby or sinuous settings
api.effect = effect; // or api.effect = subscribe
api.memo = memo; // or api.memo = computed
api.is = (v) => (v) => isObservable(v); // or api.is = (v) => v?.$o;
api.get = (v) => v?.();

// solid-js settings
api.effect = createEffect;
api.memo = createMemo;
api.is = (v) => v?.name?.includes("readSignal");
api.get = (v) => v?.();

// any other reactive library settings
api.effect = ...
api.memo = ...
api.is = (v) => ...
api.get = (v) => ..

Thanks and Inspiration
