
The SweetDreams is an e-commerce app for sweets, with it you can order your favorite sweets, make the payment and receive them at your home in just a few clicks!

API available at https://sweet-dreams-api.herokuapp.com/

Try it out now at https://sweet-dreams-front.vercel.app/


In this web application you will have a varied menu, with the most sublime sweets in the galaxy! Come in and fall in love with our delights! Below are the implemented features:

  • Sign up
  • Log in
  • List full extract
  • List products
  • Search for products
  • Add products to cart
  • Change quantity of products
  • Make payment
  • Submit delivery address


The following tools and frameworks were used in the construction of the project:

How to run

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install back-end dependencies
npm i

3.Create an environment variables file in the project root (.env) and configure a variable with the name 'PORT' that receives the port you want to use, and another called 'MONGO_URI' with the url of the bank, Example:

MONGO_URI = mongodb://localhost/:27017/?directConnection=true&serverSelectionTimeoutMS=2000&appName=ApiSweetDreams
  1. Run the back-end with
npm start or node app.js
  1. Clone the front-end repository at https://github.com/kethllen/SweetDreams_front
  2. Follow instructions to run back-end at https://github.com/kethllen/SweetDreams_front