Kiss is a stupidly simple blog theme for Hugo. It's a fork of Hemingway theme - read why.
Clone this repository to your hugo theme directory.
mkdir themes
cd themes
git clone
Take a look in the exampleSite folder.
This directory contains an example config file and the content for the demo. It serves as an example setup for your documentation.
Copy the config.toml
in the root directory of your website. Overwrite the existing config file if necessary.
baseurl = ""
languageCode = "en"
title = "Hugo Kiss theme"
theme = "kiss"
copyright = "© <a href=\"\">Emir Ribic</a> 2017"
disqusShortname = "shortname"
googleAnalytics = ""
# Number of posts per page
Paginate = 5
enableRobotsTXT = true
customCSS = ["css/custom.css"]
adsense = "" # Adsense ID (ID only, without ca-pub-)
enableSocial = true # Adds OpenGraph and Twitter cards
homeTitle = "" # Title for home page
poweredby = true # Adds powered by hugo and kiss below Copyright
related = true # Includes related articles at the bottom of the article
admins = [] # array of Facebook IDs
appID = ""
pageID = ""
page = "" # Twitter Page username. If not set, will be used.
twitter = "ribicemir"
github = "ribice"
email = ""
linkedin = "ribice"
facebook = "ribice"
instagram = ""
codepen = ""
tag ="tags"
hrefTargetBlank = true
To change color of titles, add in static/css/custom.css
.content h1,
.content h2,
.content h3,
.content h4,
.content h5,
.content h6 {
color: #F52AA3; // Custom Color
To align images, add #c for center, #r/l for right/left.
Links can be added to the navbar (bellow the blog name and social links). There are two positions:
that will add links in the left side (under the blog title)[params.sections_right]
that will add links in the right side (under the social links)
"/special-page" = "Special page"
"" = "Example"
"" = "Example"
Put your own favicons into /static
and customize browserconfig.xml
and site.webmanifest
to fit your needs.
To include related articles in the bottom of the content, set to true. By default up to 5 articles will be shown (can be changed by cloning related.html) and only older ones.
To change the behaviour of how related articles are generated, check official docs on Related Content.
tags: ["Android", "Apple", "iPhone"] # Adds tags to the post
cover: # Cover used for OpenGraph and Twitter Cards
adsenseTop: true # If adsense property is set ( include an ad above content
adsenseBottom: true # If adsense property is set ( include an ad below content
hugo server
You can go to localhost:1313 and this theme should be visible.
Kiss is licensed under the MIT license. Check the LICENSE file for details.
The following resources are included in the theme:
- Feather by Cole Bemis - Licensed under the MIT License.