
File explorer with an Ethernet hosted website as gui

Primary LanguageC++

Ethernet Shield File Explorer

An Arduino with an Ethernet shield on it, standing on a large cooling block to cool the Arduino. And a medium cooling block balancing on a small cooling block sitting on the Ethernet shield's cpu being kept in place by 2 pieces of cardboard cut from a candy box. Web interface showing what the folder where you put the files from the sd folder should more or less look like.


  • Arduino UNO
  • An Ethernet Shield (i used a bootleg)
  • A microSD


  1. Make sure your microSD has files and folders to explore
  2. Add the files inside the /sd folder inside the project into a folder on the microSD
  3. Attach the Ethernet shield onto the Arduino
  4. Change your settings in reader.ino
    • MAC_ADDRESS: the mac address on the ethernet shield or a generated one (something like 5c:ec:46:80:8e:fa becomes 0x5C, 0xEC, 0x46, 0x80, 0x8E, 0xFA)
    • IP_ADDRESS: an available ip address on your network (you can see your ip address under IPv4 when you run ipconfig in cmd, then you can replace the last number with any number from 0-255)
    • SD_CS: port for your microSD
    • WEB_FOLDER: folder where you put the files in step 2 (make sure it's a 8.3 filename, so /web/file-explorer becomes /WEB/FILE-E~1)
    • FILE_API_BUFFER_SIZE: to change how many bytes should be used for the buffer to load files (256 leaves enough memory in my experience)
    • DEBUG: if you would like to see debug messages (like the headers of an incoming request)
    • INFO: if you would like to see info messages (like when a user has connected, and what their ip is)
  5. Upload the sketch
  6. Go to the ip address on a device that is connected to the same network via ethernet (it doesn't work for me over wifi, even though it's connected to the wifi router)
  7. Explore :)