
Using IBM Watson technology

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Creating a Facebook chatbot using IBM Watson technology

Facebook Messenger App setting up

In order to aloow user send messages to a chatboot we firstly need to create a Facebook Page for our bot:

  1. Create a page on facebook.com/pages/create
  2. Choose a category Brand or product
  3. Choose a subcategory from a dropdrown menu and name your App
  4. Click Get Started
  5. Create an app on developers.facebook.com/quickstarts

Once an App is created:

  1. Go to the Dashboard
  • Click Add Product (left menu)
  • Choose Messenger
  • Click Get Started
  1. Find Token Generation
  • Select your page from dropdown menu Page
  • You will see a just generated Token, that will be used later in the web.js file

Local tunnel creating

  1. Install local tunnel globally to make it accessible for everyone: $ npm install -g localtunnel

  2. Start a webserver on some local port: $ lt --port 5000

  3. You will see a link. Save it!


Creating a Webhook with Node.js

  1. Create your app directory and set up your Node.js app: $ npm init

  2. Install Express and body-parser: $ npm install express body-parser --save

  3. Instantiate express and listen the server to port 5000
    (see the Node.js)

  4. While creating HTTP GET and POST route method to handle the command, you should define a token. You will need it later.

    • Go to your Facebook developer account again
    • Choose Messanger Setting
    • At the Webhooks click Setup Webhooks
    • Fill out the Callback URL with your link, adding "/webhook"   - Add a token that is written in your web.js

Connecting to IBM Watson

  1. Create an account on Bluemix
  2. Go to Watson Conversation
  3. Create dialogs
  4. Go to Credentials
  5. Add your workspaceID, username and pass to your code

Launch web.js