This package provides a comprehensive system for managing roles and permissions in Laravel applications. It allows for easy creation and management of roles, assigning permissions to specific roles, and controlling access to different parts of the application based on a user's assigned roles and permissions.
composer require kettasoft/gatekeeper
In Laravel 5.5 the service provider will automatically get registered. In older versions of the framework, you must install the service provider:
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Providers\GatekeeperServiceProvider" --tag="config"
If this command did not publish any files, chances are, the Laratrust service provider hasn't been registered. Try clearing your configuration cache
php artisan config:clear
IMPORTANT: Before running the command go to your config/gatekeeper.php file and change the values according to your needs.
php artisan gatekeeper:migrate
use Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Contracts\GatekeeperInterface;
use Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Traits\Gatekeeper;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable implements GatekeeperInterface
use Gatekeeper;
// ...
composer dump-autoload
php artisan migrate
Let's start by creating the following Roles:
$owner = Role::create([
'name' => 'owner',
'display_name' => 'Project Owner', // optional
'description' => 'User is the owner of a given project', // optional
$admin = Role::create([
'name' => 'admin',
'display_name' => 'User Administrator', // optional
'description' => 'User is allowed to manage and edit other users', // optional
Role Assignment & Removal:
$user->addRole($admin); // parameter can be a Role object, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->attach([$admin->id]);
$user->addRoles([$admin, $owner]); // parameter can be a Role object, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->attach([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
$user->syncRoles([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
// equivalent to $user->roles()->sync([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
$user->syncRolesWithoutDetaching([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
// equivalent to $user->roles()->syncWithoutDetaching([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
$user->removeRole($admin); // parameter can be a Role object, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->detach([$admin->id]);
$user->removeRoles([$admin, $owner]); // parameter can be a Role object, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->detach([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
You can give single permissions to a user, so in order to do it you only have to make:
$user->givePermission(['admin-create', 'admin-delete']); // parameter can be a Permission object, array, id or the permission string name
$user->syncPermissions([$editUser->id, $createPost->id]);
// equivalent to $user->permissions()->sync([$editUser->id, createPost->id]);
$user->syncPermissionsWithoutDetaching([$editUser, $createPost]); // parameter can be a Permission object, array or id
// equivalent to $user->permissions()->syncWithoutDetaching([$createPost->id, $editUser->id]);
The middleware are registered automatically as role, permission. If you want to change or customize them, go to your config/gatekeeper.php and set the middleware.register value to false and add the following to the routeMiddleware array in app/Http/Kernel.php:
'role' => \Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Middleware\Role::class,
'permission' => \Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Middleware\Permission::class,
You can use a middleware to filter routes and route groups by permission, role:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => ['role:admin']], function() {
Route::get('/', 'AdminController@welcome');
Route::get('/manage', ['middleware' => ['permission:manage-admins'], 'uses' => 'AdminController@manageAdmins']);
If you use the pipe symbol it will be an OR operation:
'middleware' => ['role:admin|root']
// $user->hasRole(['admin', 'root']);
'middleware' => ['permission:edit-post|edit-user']
// $user->hasRole(['edit-post', 'edit-user']);
To emulate AND functionality you can do:
'middleware' => ['role:owner|writer,require_all']
// $user->hasRole(['owner', 'writer'], true);
'middleware' => ['permission:edit-post|edit-user,require_all']
// $user->isAbleTo(['edit-post', 'edit-user'], true);
If you want to use a different guard for the user check you can specify it as an option:
'middleware' => ['role:owner|writer,require_all|guard:api']
'middleware' => ['permission:edit-post|edit-user,guard:some_new_guard']
The middleware supports two types of returns in case the check fails. You can configure the return type and the value in the config/gatekeeper.php file.
By default the middleware aborts with a code 403 but you can customize it by changing the gatekeeper.middleware.handlers.abort.code value.
To make a redirection in case the middleware check fails, you will need to change the middleware.handling value to redirect and the gatekeeper.middleware.handlers.redirect.url to the route you need to be redirected. Leaving the configuration like this:
'handling' => 'redirect',
'handlers' => [
'abort' => [
'code' => 403
'redirect' => [
'url' => '/home', // Change this to the route you need
'message' => [ // Key value message to be flashed into the session.
'key' => 'error',
'content' => '' // If the content is empty nothing will be flashed to the session.