
Alientek DP100 digital power supply control GUI in english

Primary LanguagePython

A PyQt5-based PC GUI for Aliantek DP100 digital power supply


Translated to English by utilizing ChatGPT-4 and other methods. There could be errors in translation resulting in nonsensical menu/label names (hopefully that is not the case).

  • Basic parameter setting, preset group management, setting modification
  • Data acquisition, plotting, analysis, and saving up to 100Hz (adjustable)
  • PID constant power control
  • Parameter scanning (voltage/current)
  • Function generator (sine/square/triangle/sawtooth/random)
  • Operation sequence (execute operations in sequence)
  • Material Design style


A modified QFramelessWindow package is used in the lib folder.

The release provides a packaged .exe file, no need to install the Python environment.

The interface font uses Sarasa UI and has no fallback. Remember to install one from the Microsoft Store.

About the size of the binary file

When PyInstaller packages Qt programs, it will automatically add unnecessary Qt Plugins, causing the binary file to be too large. Carefully modifying the .spec file to exclude unnecessary DLLs and libraries can reduce the size. But further experimentation is needed.


Shout out to:

Future Plans

  • Make graph change color depending which parameter (V, A, W, Ohm) is selected
  • Extend Power Hold (Constant Power) functionality with a full PID controller no just a simple PI
    • Add starting voltage
    • Add Kp, Ki, Kd params or Kp, Ti, Td (both or whichever makes more sense to use)
    • Perhaps add PID auto tune
    • Consider other controller types
  • Explore a I-V (Current-Voltage) curve tracer
    • Sweep over voltage range and record currents
    • Sweep over current range and record voltages
  • Port all this to Qt6
  • Far future: Add support for multiple DP100's