
Elegant web framework for Swift that works on iOS, OS X, and Ubuntu.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



A Laravel/Lumen Inspired Web Framework for Swift that works on iOS, OS X, and Ubuntu.

  • Insanely fast
  • Beautiful syntax
  • Type safe


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Work in Progress

This is a work in progress, so do not rely on this for anything important. And pull requests are welcome!


Visit the Vapor Wiki for extensive documentation on getting setup, using, and contributing to Vapor.


Starting the application takes two lines.


import Vapor

let app = Application()

You can also choose which port the server runs on.

app.start(port: 8080)

If you are having trouble connecting, make sure your ports are open. Check out apt-get ufw for simple port management.


Routing in Vapor is simple and very similar to Laravel.


app.get("welcome") { request in
	return "Hello"

Here we will respond to all requests to http://example.com/welcome with the string "Hello".


Responding with JSON is easy.

app.get("version") { request in
	return ["version": "1.0"]

This responds to all requests to http://example.com/version with the JSON dictionary {"version": "1.0"} and Content-Type: application/json.


You can also respond with HTML pages.

app.get("/") { request in
	return View(path: "index.html")

Or Stencil templates.


	<h1>{{ message }}</h1>
app.get("/") { request in
	return View(path: "index.stencil", context: ["message": "Hello"])

If you have VaporStencil added, just put the View file in the Resources folder at the root of your project and it will be served.


A manual response can be returned if you want to set something like cookies.

app.get("cookie") { request in
	let response = Response(status: .OK, text: "Cookie was set")
	response.cookies["test"] = "123"
	return response


All files put in the Public folder at the root of your project will be available at the root of your domain. This is a great place to put your assets (.css, .js, .png, etc).


Every route call gets passed a Request object. This can be used to grab query and path parameters.


To access JSON, Query, and form-encoded data from the Request.

app.post("hello") { request in
	guard let name = request.data["name"]?.string {
		return "Please include a name"

	return "Hello, \(name)!"


Sessions will be kept track of using the vapor-session cookie. The default (and currently only) session driver is .Memory.

if let name = request.session.data["name"] {
	//name was in session

//store name in session
request.session.data["name"] = "Vapor"


Vapor was designed alongside Fluent, an Eloquent inspired ORM that empowers simple and expressive database management.

import Fluent

if let user = User.find(5) {
    print("Found \(user.name)")

    user.name = "New Name"

Underlying Fluent is a powerful Query builder.

let user = Query<User>().filter("id", notIn: [1, 2, 3]).filter("age", .GreaterThan, 21).first


Controllers are great for keeping your code organized. Route directives can take whole controllers or controller methods as arguments instead of closures.


app.get("heartbeat", closure: HeartbeatController().index)

To pass a function name as a closure like above, the closure must have the function signature

func index(request: Request) -> ResponseConvertible

Here is an example of a controller for returning an API heartbeat.


import Vapor

class HeartbeatController: Controller {

	override func index(request: Request) -> AnyObject {
		return ["lub": "dub"]


Here the HeartbeatControllers's index method will be called when http://example.com/heartbeat/alternate is visited.

Resource Controllers

Resource controllers take advantage of CRUD-like index, show, store, update, destroy methods to make setting up REST APIs easy.

app.resource("user", controller: UserController())

This will create the appropriate GET, POST, DELETE, etc methods for individual and groups of users:

  • .Get /user - an index of users
  • .Get /user/:id - a single user etc


Create a class conforming to Middleware to hook into server requests and responses. Append your classes to the server.middleware array in the order you want them to run..

class MyMiddleware: Middleware {
    func handle(handler: Request -> Response) -> (Request -> Response) {
        return { request in
            print("Incoming request from \(request.address)")

            let response = handler(request)

            print("Responding with status \(response.status)")

            return response



Providers and Drivers allow almost any component of Vapor to be extended or replaced.



Vapor has been tested on OS X 10.11, Ubuntu 14.04, and Ubuntu 15.10.

My website http://tanner.xyz as well as http://qutheory.io are currently running using Vapor on DigitalOcean.


This project is based on Swifter by Damian Kołakowski. It uses compatibility code from NSLinux by johnno1962.

Go checkout and star their repos.