
ft_printf project

Primary LanguageC


42 ft_printf project (2019-2020)


* Program name : libftprintf.a
* Turn in files : *.c, */*.c, *.h, */*.h, Makefile
* Makefile : all, clean, fclean, re, bonus
* External functs. : malloc, free, write, va_start, va_arg, va_copy, va_end
* Libft authorized : yes
* Description : Write a library that contains ft_printf, a function that will mimic the real printf


  • The prototype of ft_printf should be int ft_printf(const char *, ...);
  • You have to recode the libc’s printf function
  • It must not do the buffer management like the real printf
  • It will manage the following conversions: cspdiuxX%
  • It will manage any combination of the following flags: ’-0.*’ and minimum field width with all conversions
  • It will be compared with the real printf
  • man 3 printf / man 3 stdarg


  • If the Mandatory part is not perfect don’t even think about bonuses
  • You don’t need to do all the bonuses
  • Manage one or more of the following conversions: nfge
  • Manage one or more of the following flags: l ll h hh
  • Manage all the following flags: ’# +’ (yes, one of them is a space)