
A business directory service app of boba stores in the Bay Area.

Where is My Boba Bae?

A business directory web app for bubble tea ("boba") enthusiasts to find their next boba destinations in the San Francisco Bay Area.


With the increasing popularity of boba (bubble tea), I wanted to conduct a data analysis using R. Luckily, I was able to find Kaggle data of Yelp ratings of 603 boba stores in the San Francisco Bay Area. The audience is targeted towards anyone who is currently or will be a boba enthusiast and is hoping to find “good” stores based on what others have rated them.

The web app locates and ranks the 603 stores in the region, using Google Maps and Yelp API.

Business Directory Service

I took a twist on the business directory service of Yelp and made a web app that allows users to easily find boba stores by locating them based on rankings by city and store chains and/or single stores. Another technique implemented in the web app is a selection of preferred cities, from which users can see boba stores located in those regions, alongside with their ratings.