Official Mine Little Pony site source code

This is the source code of the site. The site is built with Parcel 2 using Pug, Sass and TypeScript.


Recommended OS is Unix-based one (preferably latest Ubuntu release). Used NodeJS version while development is v13.9.x and NPM is v6.14.x (just always use updated software).


To make changes to the site you'll need NodeJS and NPM. Download the binaries, extract node executive to wherever you want and add it to your PATH environment variable. Then run npm i -g npm using NPM binary shipped with NodeJS to install latest NPM version globally.

Open terminal, go to your projects folder and clone this repo with git clone Go to the downloaded folder and type npm i to install dependencies.

Now you are ready to run the site! Type npm run dev to start dev server or npm run build to build the site to dist folder.

Data files

Data files are written in JSON format. They are usually used in Pug templates. You can change the files while dev server is running and after a change the site will be automatically rebuilt.

The data is accessed via data Pug local. The data object respects ierarchy structure of files. Some files have their own global definition.

Also there can be files and folders with the same name (e.g. cards.json and cards/ folder). They are just merged in one object (e.g. will have properties of cards.json and files from cards/ folder).

Site information

Accessed via site Pug local.

    // Title pattern for pages. Can be seen in tab name
    "title": "%s - Mine Little Pony",
    // Site name. Can be seen in preview embeds like those ones when you share a link in Discord
    "name": "Mine Little Pony Official site",
    // Canonical URL. For OpenGraph
    "url": "",
    // Site description. Used for embeds if a page doesn't provide it's own description
    "description": "Official site of Minecraft mod Mine Little Pony that turns player into a pony",
    // Links to use in templates globally
    "links": {
        // archive of old versions of the mod and some historical files
        "megaArchive": "!NYJQGILa!X70azQPM_psKwpBPW2EleQ",
        // The Discord invite
        "discordInvite": ""

Site menu

Accessed via

    // Paths must end with /
    "Home": "/",
    "Page 1": "/path/to/page/1/",
    "Page 2": "/path/to/page/2/"


Accessed via data.faq. Properties of FAQ entry are passed to markdown parser, so they do support markdown syntax.

        "question": "The question",
        "answer": "The answer"


Cards are accessed via

Icon cards

Pass these cards to icon-card Pug mixin:

        "title": "Title of the card",
        "description": "Description of the card",
        // Icon background color
        "color": "red",
        // Image of the card. Images are stored in src/assets/cards/${path}.png
        "image": "type/name",
        // FontAwesome 5 Free icon. Search for icons here:,solid&m=free
        // Only solid and brands icons are currently enabled
        "icon": "share-alt"

Link cards

Pass these cards to link-card Pug mixin:

        // This property was implemented for home page loop of
        // generating link cards to hide a hidden card from very original
        // site source code. Just don't even specifify it until you want
        // to hide a link card on home page
        "hidden": true,
        // Image of the card. Images are stored in src/assets/cards/${path}.png
        "image": "type/name",
        // If you want to create a link card which should download the url,
        // specify this
        "download": true,
        "url": "",
        // Color of the title
        "color": "seagreen",
        "title": "Title of the card",
        "description": "Description of the card"

Team cards

Pass these cards to team-card Pug mixin:

        "name": "Member name",
        "description": "Member role",
        // Optional
        "nickname": "Member Minecraft nickname",
        // src/assets/cards/${path}
        "avatar": "team/avatar.ext",
        // Social links. Optional
        "social": {
            "github": "username",
            "twitter": "username",
            "vk": "username"

Pug templates