
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



  • classification
python3 main.py -i '<FILE_PATH>' -m <MODEL_NAME> -c
  • detection
python3 main.py -i '<FILE_PATH>' -m <MODEL_NAME>

note :

"FILE_PATH" is the path of the binary file which you want to predict. "MODEL_NAME" is the model to be used for prediction. e.g. rf、knn、svm、mlp .


  • The main program is a malware detector.

    • Input : binary file
    • Output : probability of each class predicted by model
    • Flow :
      • reverse the bin file and extract the feature
      • load the model
      • predict

Detail work of my implement

  • We first reverse the binary file to function call graph(FCG) by r2pipe.
  • Next ,to extract the attribute of FCG:

the attribute we extract:

  • No. of vertices
  • No. of edges
  • No. of in degree
  • No. of out degree
  • No. of connected Component
  • No. of loops
  • No. of parallel edges

The dimension of feature is 7.


  • detection_model : save the detection model with .joblib
  • classification_model : save the classification model with .joblib
  • create_feature.py : create the feature from gpickle to feature.csv
  • FCG_to_sym : only keep the graph node which beginning with sym
  • feature : feature of whole FCG and sym
  • main : the detector(classifier)
  • torch_tools : MLP tools
  • train : about training and saving the model
  • utils : for parsing args


  • python3
  • radare2
  • python package
    • r2pipe
    • networkx
    • joblib
    • sklearn
    • argparse



Model Mode accuracy precision recall F1
RF Train 0.9681 0.9656 0.9711 0.9684
Validation 0.9662 0.9644 0.9686 0.9665
KNN Train 0.9230 0.9985 0.8483 0.9173
Validation 0.9220 0.9987 0.8461 0.9161
SVM Train 0.9064 0.9232 0.8038 0.8594
Validation 0.9061 0.9254 0.8015 0.8690
MLP Train 0.9154 0.9366 0.8177 0.873
Validation 0.9335 0.9068 0.8164 0.8592


Model Mode accuracy precision recall F1
RF Train 0.9586 0.9595 0.9586 0.9585
Validation 0.9566 0.9577 0.9566 0.9566
KNN Train 0.9198 0.9291 0.9198 0.9178
Validation 0.9189 0.9285 0.9189 0.9169
SVM Train 0.8785 0.8618 0.8785 0.8538
Validation 0.8836 0.8726 0.8836 0.8598
MLP Train 0.6415 0.5499 0.6415 0.5702
Validation 0.8835 0.8575 0.8835 0.8695