
A complete PHP & MySQLi Login/Registration System with Profile editing & authentication System

Primary LanguagePHP

A complete PHP Login and Registration System with Profile editing & authentication System

Table of Contents



  • PHP
  • Apache server
  • MySQL Database
  • SQL

All of these requirements can be completed at once by simply installing a server stack like Wamp or Xampp

Installation Steps

  1. Import the DBcreation.sql file in the includes folder into phpMyAdmin. There is no need for any change in the .sql file. This will create the database required for the application to function.

  2. Edit the dbh.inc.php file in the includes folder to create the database connection. Change the password and username to the ones being used within phpMyAdmin. There is no need to change anything else.

$serverName = "localhost";
$dBUsername = "root";
$dBPassword = "examplePassword";
$dBName = "loginsystem";

$conn = mysqli_connect($serverName, $dBUsername, $dBPassword, $dBName, 3307);

if (!$conn)
    die("Connection failed: ". mysqli_connect_error());

The port number does not need to be changed under normal circumstances, but if you are running into a problem or the server stack is installed on another port, feel free to change it, but do so carefully.

  1. Edit the email-server.php file in the includes folder and change the variables accordingly:
  • $SMTPuser : email address on gmail
  • $SMTPpwd : email address password
  • SMTPtitle : hypothetical company's name
$SMTPuser = 'klik.official.website@gmail.com';   
$SMTPpwd = 'some-example-password';
$SMTPtitle = "KLiK inc.";

This step is mainly for setting up an email account to enable the contact and password reset system, all of which require mailing.

Getting started

The database already contains two pre-made accounts for you to explore around with. If not sufficient, head over to the signup page and start making new accounts.

Existing Accounts:
username: admin
password: admin
username: user
password: user

Note: The GUI files are in the root directory, and the backend files are present in the includes folder. The main HTML structuring files are the HTML-head.php and HTML-footer.php, which also reside in the includes folder




PHP 5.6.40
SQL 14.0

Development Environment

WampServer Stack 3.0.6
Windows 10


MySQL Database 8.0.13


phpMyAdmin 4.8.3



Frameworks and Libraries

BootStrap v4.2.1

External Plugins

[PHPMailer 6.0.6](https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer)

This was used for creating a mail server on Windows localhost, since there is not one like in Linux. This plugin was used for the sending and receiving of emails on localhost, this is not needed on a live domain


Details of important Features of the Application

Registration / Signup System

  • A status icon in the top left corner shows online or logged out status
  • registration is done through the signup page.
  • username cannot be changed after signing up, since i thought it would be an exploitable weakness
  • email required for registration.
  • Password needs to be re-entered for additional confirmation
  • Passwords encrypted before being stored in database so even owners donot have access to them
  • User can set a profile image at signup. In case they dont, their profile image is set to a default image.

currently the upload image button does not give a visible response on clicking and uploading an image, but it does work. It is purely a design matter and not a back-end issue

  • There are also additional information fields that are optional, i.e; a user can signup without setting them.
  • Optional fields are gender, full name, profile headline and bio
  • Implemented several authentication methods to verify user info before registering him.
  • Authentication checks for:
    • empty fields
    • invalid username or email
    • password mismatch
    • wrong profile image error
    • SQL errors
    • internal server errors

Login System

  • username and password required for logging in.
  • Authentication checks to return valid error messages.
  • Authentication checks for:
    • wrong username
    • wrong password

Profile System

  • Each is assigned a user profile on registration.
  • Profile can be accessed through the menu options which become visible after logging in or the link beneath the profile image on the right.
  • Profile page displays all of the User's information, except (naturally) for the password.
  • Displayed information:
    • profile image
    • username
    • full name
    • gender
    • headline
    • bio
  • Profile page cannot be accessed without logging in.
  • Signup page cannot be page after logging in.

Profile Editing System

  • User can edit his profile information with the help of the profile editing system
  • Profile Editing page can be accessed from menu option or link below profile image on the right
  • username cannot be changed
  • Profile Editing already has the existing information so user does not have to type everything all over again if he merely wishes to slightly edit current information.
  • Current password required for changing password.
  • Changing password also requires confirmation / re-entering of new password.
  • user profile image can also be changed.
  • Authentication checks for:
    • empty fields
    • invalid information
    • wrong current password
    • new password mismatch
    • image upload errors

Contact System

  • contact system is accessible with or without logging in
  • uses PHPMailer to create an email server with which it sends emails.
  • options for subscribing to newsletter (or basically any additional option for contacting)
  • does not require PHPMailer on live domain (only required on windows localhost)


  • Password hashing before storing in database.

  • Filtering of information obtained from $_GET and $_POST methods to prevent header injection.

  • Implementation of MySQLi Prepared Statements for advanced database security.


$sql = "select uidUsers from users where uidUsers=?;";
        $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn);
        if (!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql))
            header("Location: ../signup.php?error=sqlerror");
            mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "s", $userName);

KLiK - Social Media Website

Check out the complete project for this login system. KLiK is a complete Social Media website, along with a Complete Login/Registration system, Profile system, Chat room, Forum system and Blog/Polls/Event Management System.

Check out KLiK here

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