
CS 308 Web DB Proj

Primary LanguagePHP

Kevin Ngao
CS 308
Project Part 3
Final Project - WebCal

acceptedschedule.php - Shows the schedule between 2 dates
changeInvite.php - The action that occurs when a user changes/responds to an invite
dbconfig.php - Configuration file for the database
friendSchedule.php - Shows the schedule of a friends
index.css - The stylesheet for the web app
index.php - The entry point for the application, where the user logins in or does other operations
invitations.php - Shows all the users invitations
issueInvitation.php - Selects the users to invite to an event
issueInvitationDo.php - The action that occurs when a user invites a user
logincheck.php - Checks the user login inputted
logout.php - Logs the user out
myevents.php - Shows the users events that he/she made
nav.php - Called by index.php to display all the possible actions
organize.php - The action that creates a new event
todayschedule.php - Displays todays schedule
queries.txt - Contains all the queries used in the web app