
Content based movie recommendation project

Primary LanguagePython


A content based recommendation program that performs item-item neighborhood collaborative filtering. This repo uses movie rating data to form a movie-user matrix and learn representations to recommend top N movies based on user id.


Requirements can be found in requirements.txt


Datasets are from the Movielens dataset

  • Rating.csv: Ratings given to movies by users
  • Movies_w_imgurl.csv: Movie metadata including genres
  • Tags.csv: Tags given to movies by users

Recommendation Generation

In practice, adjust input.txt to change user ids to generate recommendations for

  1. Adjust input.txt. The input format is user_id for each line
  2. Run python main.py
  3. Check output.txt for results. The output format is user_id, movie_id, prediction_score for each line. The result is sorted in descending order