
Interactive map of selected skateboarding spots in Berlin, built using React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Berlin Skate Map

This React project features skateboarding spots in Berlin plotted on a custom-styled Google Map and displays current weather, air quality, and daylight conditions.


Click image to try for yourself

Built with

React, CSS3, Open Weather Map API, Google Maps API, react-google-maps/api (library), Font Awesome icons


  • A custom-styled Google Map is embedded on the page, centered on Berlin with skate spots plotted on it using markers
  • Clicking any marker initializes a pop-up window featuring the name, a description, a photo or gif if one is in the database, and a button that displays the address of the respective skate spot
  • Clicking the address button in a pop-up window opens the Google Maps directions interface in a new tab with the destination already filled in
  • Pop-up windows can be closed by clicking on the x in their top right corner or anywhere on the map
  • Using real-time data from the Open Weather Map API, the following skateboading-relevant information is displayed above the map:
    • A large icon representings general weather conditions (e.g. cloudy, sunny, or raining)
    • The current temperature as well as the daily high and low temperatures
    • The chance of precipitation for the rest of the day (i.e. from now until midnight)
    • The current wind speed measured in kilometers per hour
    • The current air quality in the form of a one-word string: good, fair, moderate, poor, or terrible
    • A countdown of either daylight remaining or time until sunrise, depending on wether it is currently daytime or nighttime in Berlin
  • New data are fetched from the Open Weather Map API at the start of each hour to perpetually keep the app up to date even if it is never refreshed
  • A spinner is rendered while data are being fetched