
a Discord bot to enforce Oulipo constraints in servers.

Primary LanguageElixir

Potential Literature

A Discord bot to add Oulipo-style constraints to servers.

Current Rules

  1. No use of the letter E on Tuesdays. Messages containing the fifth glyph will be deleted (and DMed privately to the author, to preserve their sin).

Prefixing a message with ! will skip rule enforcement, for emergencies.


cp .env.example .env and add your bot token. You can create an application here. Then:

mix deps.get

iex -S mix will start your bot locally with a connected REPL.

Deploying via Fly.io

You'll need a volume named db for SQLite. If you’re trying to stick inside the free tier:

fly volumes create db --size 1

Set some secrets to prepare for initial release:

fly secrets set DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN="your-token" SUMMARY_GUILD_ID="your-guild-id" SUMMARY_CHANNEL_ID="your-main-channel-id"

The DATABASE_URL should be picked up by the fly.toml config. Then:

fly launch