Education Today

by: Kuan-Yin Chen (kuanyin2)


Task Methodology

Task 1: Most Cited Paper

  1. Find author's all papers
q_author_papers = select(models.PaperAuthorAffiliations.PaperId).where(models.PaperAuthorAffiliations.AuthorId == authorId)
  • Get all referenced papers from first step's papers.
  • Aggreated and count number of been referenced
  • Order and limit the result
q = select(models.PaperReferences.PaperReferenceId, func.count(1)).where(models.PaperReferences.PaperId.in_(q_author_papers)).group_by(models.PaperReferences.PaperReferenceId).order_by(func.count(1).desc()).limit(limit)

Task 2: Most Related Insitutions

  1. Find affiliation's all authors
q_affiliation_author = select(models.Authors.AuthorId).where(models.Authors.LastKnownAffiliationId == affiliationId).distinct()
  1. Find all papers from step one's authors
q_co_author_paper = select(models.PaperAuthorAffiliations.PaperId).where(models.PaperAuthorAffiliations.AuthorId.in_(q_affiliation_author)).distinct()
  1. Find all co-authors from second step's paper (exclude input affiliationId)
q_co_author = select(models.PaperAuthorAffiliations.AuthorId).where(models.PaperAuthorAffiliations.PaperId.in_(q_co_author_paper)).where(~models.PaperAuthorAffiliations.AffiliationId.in_([affiliationId])).distinct()
  • Get third step's authors LastKnownAffiliationId
  • Aggreated and count number of LastKnownAffiliationId
  • Order and limit the result
q_affiliation = select(models.Authors.LastKnownAffiliationId, func.count(1)).where(models.Authors.AuthorId.in_(q_co_author)).where(~models.Authors.LastKnownAffiliationId.in_([0, affiliationId])).group_by(models.Authors.LastKnownAffiliationId).order_by(func.count(1).desc()).limit(limit)

Development Setup


  1. Docker
  2. Node.js + yarn
  3. Python 3.9


Backend + Database + Data Import

  1. Unzip as data/ in project's root folder
  2. docker-compose up


  1. cd frontend
  2. yarn install
  3. yarn start
  4. open http://localhost:3000/

System Methodology

Database Design

  1. Database schema is based on
  2. Foreign Keys and Indexs are added to improve query perfomance

code: app/

p.s I added an addition Id column as primary key on table PaperAuthorAffiliations, because the documents says that "It is possible to have multiple rows with same (PaperId, AuthorId, AffiliationId) when an author is associated with multiple affiliations."

Database initialization

Use SQLModel (sqlalchemy) to init database: SQLModel.metadata.create_all(engine)

code: app/

Data Import

Import data using MySQL's LOAD DATA statement for better performance since the dataset is large

code: app/import.sql



  1. React Base: create-react-app
  2. UI Framework: Chakra Ui
  3. Request: Axios
  4. TypeScript


API data schema: frontend/src/types


  1. Task 1: frontend/src/components/MostCitedPapers.tsx
  2. Task 2: frontend/src/components/MostRelatedInsitutions.tsx

State Management

I use hook (useState) to store form value and api response.



  1. Backend: Flask
  2. ORM: SqlModel
  3. SQL Connector: pymysql
  4. Retry: tenacity

API Endpoints

code: app/